Are we sleeping on Demonology?

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This is the real demo experience.

Wrong you canā€™t fear while tyrant is on the target. It makes tyrant drop the target and because its ai is terrible and we have no way to direct its attack, itā€™ll just try to target something or just stand there and waste itā€™s duration.


well maybe not triple fear during tyrant then but I remember getting stun axe, shadowfury, coil, it was enough to bring me low enough and force one of us to use a def cd as my priest was getting triple clone by druid.

Iā€™m not saying demo is ez to play or its really good, but they were playing very effectively at that comp and screwed me over for 6min

Even with the damage ā€œnecessaryā€ I donā€™t think Demo is anywhere close to what it needs to be. Specs like Arms in 2s are completely and fully invincible, and it takes a 2100+ player to kill an 1100-1200+ warrior which even then is an impossible struggle. Spell reflect is constantly up, if not that then intervene on no cooldown. Immunity to CC, immunity to losing under any circumstances.

not to mention all the mobility that the warlock has. demo is actually really oppresive nowadays

Iā€™ll never understand why people are scared of pets being good when in reality they are just strictly worse dots that cant tank like in solo PvE situations and can also be CCed/interupted/kite/etc.

People scared of demonology army of trashcan imps when they shoot 6 fireballs each that deal literally 90 damage.

Demonology is the absolute worst spec in PvP. Outlaw, fury, arcane, any other meme spec you can think of isnt nearly as hopelessly terrible demonology is.


When Tyrant is up, the enemy warrior will simply heroic leap away (since thatā€™s on a 3s cooldown). Casters are designed to be garbage overall, because of the terrible development team.
It makes no sense that someone that can fly around the arena and never be killed should be given 100% uptime and permanent gap closers.
If I SET UP DAMAGE it should be meaningful. Standing there and casting should be meaningful. I donā€™t care if they have to up damage on our casts just in PVP, itā€™s so clunky that we deserve it.
Thereā€™s so much potential, but most melee have a 75-90% slow punch and roll/leap away mechanic. They donā€™t need a cloak or anything, the 90% slow or instant cc is enough to hero walk away and heal to full or whatever the case.
As far as Arcane goes? ARCANE MAGE should blast you incredibly hard since it has the one school of damage, not this Fire Mage meme bllsht.
Castingā€™s been so unreasonably stressful for so long and itā€™s not rewarding enough to set things up for nothing. Melee is much more satisfying (and itā€™s proven that many melee have a far higher winrate).