Are we not able to get honor sets yet?

I can’t seem to find vendors for s2 honor set. Is that something we’re only gonna be able to get next week when the actual season starts?

Not available yet.
Gear vendors will be the same.
They will replace the items they sell when the season starts.


Seems like a good thread to ask. A friend and I were discussing a few weeks ago. I’m thinking previous season conquest gear is as good as next season honor gear, he’s thinking the next season’s honor gear is better.

Anyone know which is correct?

Icyveins has a list of ilvls, prolly accurate:
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Well crap, looks like I’ve gotta farm 5k more honor this week. Thank you good sir.

Yes. New gear is always only available on SEASON start, which occurs the week AFTER the patch. :slight_smile:
It will be the same next season and every other season after that.