Are we gonna do anything about Fyrakk?

A giant shadowflame empowered dragon that was already powerful enough to rival the aspects seems like a big deal, right?

We’ll get to him when we get to him.

Right now he’s being elusive and he’s too powerful to just pick a fight without preparation.


Just have him die. No explanation. Should be sufficient for GD at least.

Bah, it’s okay, when have we ever left anything unresolved?


That involves the Lore.

It seems a lot of players got no time for that. Just give them another season of M+ to tide them over.


Doesn’t look like anything to me


Lordy. You guys really are salty about these Warlock races. Lol.

Last 10 years of story and lore has been absolute garbage. LoL has a better story than WoW at this point.


somehow, fyrakk did not return.


I think you may have posted in the wrong thread… this thread is about the giant dragon flying around scorching a zone not about Warlocks. In fact I think you are the first person to post about warlocks in this thread.


You mean to tell me fryakk isnt dead already?
Because no matter how long im there, he never shows up to his event! :frowning:

Theldurin the Lost beat ya to him. He got one look at Fyrakk and said “Imma punch that dragon too!”


Eh, why bother. He seems to be happy just burning a tiny spot of land and leaving everything else alone. Let the lizard have his fun.

Seriously, the events in this game are ridiculously small and pathetic. But I understand why. Players flip the eff out if something gets drastically changed on a large scale, even if it just for a little while.

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So do we win when the random dragon dies every 20 minutes?
I don’t even get the event lol. Is this like the Elemental Storms but worse?

What doesn’t? I don’t see anything.

He hands out free achievements if you fly out to meet him as he’s burning his way to the assault site.

let’s kill that lizard instead.

No. I posted in the right one. Ever since the warlock announcement the same people keep posting threads about how no one cares about the lore.

It’s the high elf thing all over again.