Are we going to revert other exploits?

Are we gonna roll back the people that did ward abusing?
Are we gonna roll back the people that did HoF?
Are we gonna roll back the people that did goats?
That did gates?
That did other hyper farms?
That bypassed the dungeon reset limit?
That are hyper farming by abusing scaling on low levels?
How about the other 2 methods still working that I cant/wont mention.
Thats just 2 that I know of.
Are all of these people getting reverted?
Or just frogs :-)?
I feel like this is genuinely important imformation to know. If we play for another week might we randomly get hit by another nerf if we used ward to kill a boss? I feel like blizzard needs to lay out their reasoning.
I want one person to explain to me how one shotting bosses with ward isnt as bad of an exploit as killing frogs for power. They seem about equal to me.