Are we going to get fixes for Outlaw or is it just going to say silent?

Don’t blame the spec for poor design choices when this entire post is full of poor player choices

Thats fair, its certainly less of a gain for non KiR. It should still be a gain if you play deft, but not nearly as noticable.

The point of attacking the spiteful isnt even necessarily to kill it though. If you do and get to restealth, thats great but the point is to keep your CDR going. As I said, AR downtime is what happens when you are running, in combat, without keeping the rotation going. I’d keep hitting spiteful until it died, vanish was off cd (if it was a long run I needed to chain AR over due to AR still having a fair duration of cd) or the next pack was pulled, then sprint/grapple over and start aoeing.

Do other specs deal with this? No, almost no specs except breath frost dk function the same way outlaw does currently. That doesn’t necessarily mean its “bad”, just unique. And outlaw certainly has a very high payoff for this downside (one of the strongest high key specs/sustain aoe specs in the game).

I understand if you don’t like the loops you need to jump through to maintain AR though.

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lol you cant be this braindead. Spiteful doesnt increase the target count, it spawns when the mob dies.

An 8 pack on regular week, is still an 8 pack on spiteful. There is no extra target soaking up damage.

Its actually amazing how someone with this little game sense and knowledge can get 3.3k.

100% boosted.

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Need a big brain to quickly calculate whether 5s on the spite is better than sitting out 10s on a big fight.

It’s just too much that’s expected with a massive punishment if you fail. Failing means you end up in a downwards spiral of energy draught, slower CP gaining, slower CP spending, and thus slower CDR, meaning it takes longer to get your AR back than it would with.

That is just bad design.

100% this guy is so boosted it hurts to read his comments

I thought so at first but he’s talking about losing AR because no Upperhanded/Underhanded (my bad if I mixed it up) from re stealth. What can end up happening (player/tank issue I think) is you’ll get AR dropping off just before the next pull and a dead window where you’ve got nothing. The very few times I’ve played outlaw this season I started saving my vanish for this in particular on spiteful just b/c I wasn’t good enough to plan around that scenario. That isn’t optimal at all and it crushes your dmg.

Spiteful isn’t meaningful damage, even if it resets your cdr you’re dpsing into something that’s not moving the progress bar. If this were say, the D3 forums and people were saying hitting into the shaman adds that give no Greater rift progress was ‘good’ you’d be laughed out of the thread. That game had a tonne of CDR resetting as well, every class is based on it. Still a bad idea. Because you are investing resources into worthless adds. It’s better to cc and run to next pack, or just run to the next pack.

Probably have the tank go to next as things are dying so the rogue in question doesn’t have to lose anything at all for cd uptime or resetting.

Yup, and people denying this happens are 100% boosted themselves.

Not to mention that if you pull >8 and spiteful spawns, each spiteful is a chance of not doing any actual damage at all. In bigger pulls once you start downing a few mobs the spiteful will just “steal” the damage you do because of the target cap. Every time a spiteful gets it, it means an actual mob does not.

youve completely ignored what the other rogues, better rogues have said. spiteful is meaninful damage but its a engine extender to give you access to your meaning full damage at high uptime on actual packs.

except youre not investing anything into spiteful. You are just building cp to kill, get cdr so you will have vanish quicker for next pack and get a resteath for an extra crackshot window. No one is saying pump your cds into spiteful, its more like hitting the spiteful so you have cds again for next pack.
Im actually shocked you dont understand this basic spec mechanic if you play outlaw. This is not some advanced secret tactic lol

I like how you completely ignore the fact that this can be done with no downtime, because outlaw has perma sprint, grapple and sstep.

There is also almost no situations where holding vanish is the right decision, except a few seconds before a boss mech that u could cheese.

To put it simply.

When the pack dies, spiteful is up.
Vanish on cd? you stay to hit and kill the spiteful, get cdr on vanish and nat restealth. Vanish off cd? you vanish and go with tank to next pack. Why is this such a hard concept

You seem really angry that I was able to figure out what was going on, you ok?

Maybe you should figure out how to not be bad

LMAO stay tilted nerd. Should have read my first post in this thread more carefully.

I return seven days later to deliver a new message.

See you all in the next beta!

Blizzard doesn’t even have enough hamster to run DF right now as they are all hand on with TWW expansion.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

lol why would I be tilted when you’re the one with skill issues. You can ignore any advice and stay mediocre, that’s completely ok.

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thats obvious ya