Are we getting new PvP ranks today?

Let us know if you see a new rank show up today. Honor snapshot and daily rollover were awhile back and still nothing for me.

I was just going for a title but some people who were counting on being able to buy gear with gold today are likely to be pissed if ranks don’t actually update before prepatch.

EDIT: I got my rank title update.


This will probably be a wait and see thing, it happens or it doesn’t.

I know someone who was specifically grinding rank for the mounts and should get 11. I know he almost quit a few weeks ago at the thought of not getting them. Hopefully he’s able to get them today considering everything.

This isn’t me. I don’t need to hear questions like “Why did he wait so long?” or “Why did he not just grind gold?” because that’s not the point and I never asked because I don’t care.

I am hoping today, I will be rank 12 and will be very angry if I don’t get the opportunity to buy my new rank gear before prepatch…

It would be nice to get an answer on this. I stopped pvp this morning, and have been waiting for rank update ever since. I see some others around Orgrimmar who are also still at current rank when they should rank up.

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Anyone have any news? As of 541pm eastern…nothing yet.

No way Blizzard would do one final honor update and then forget to allow people to purchase their rewards before the system changes. Right?


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If it works the way it worked in 2006 you’ll get the rank but no opportunity to buy stuff

You have got to be kidding me…

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I believe the 2006 blue post said honor was calculated the same day as prepatch. It seems odd to stop honor a day early only to also calculate ranks on prepatch day. Seems pointless.

I sure hope so since they told us so long in advance that we’d get updated ranks about eight hours ago…

From my experience as a long wow player. Blizzard does not care about what the players want.

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From my understanding from the blue post it was supposed to be done a day early (which is today Monday) so it would be snap shotted with the prepatch tonight. But I still have yet to see any updates on my shaman who I was trying to get to rank 10 for the title in time. Pretty much 4pm now PST :confused:

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BLIZZARD!!! To not allow the players of this game that slaved for hours and paying to play this game to not get to purchase the gear they earned (the way they earned it) before the next expansion is not fair on any level. NOT COOL!


I agree that they should have done the honor calcs today and give people a day to buy the gear they want. While it’s now technically available for honor tomorrow that’s a long grind whereas right now it’s for gold. Doesn’t seem fair

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Updated. :slight_smile:

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You got your rank?

I have heard some people on my server have received their new ranks today. I have not :frowning:

More info than we got from Bli$$ard. Good to hear though, keep us updated please

Can confirm, my rank updated. I’m on Whitemane and haven’t been on all day until now. Thank god cause I can buy the pvp mounts with gold instead of using marks.


That’s great news for people, grats on rank 11 and your mounts.

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