Are we finally free of the Anniversary events?

" They can take our lives, but they will never take our freedom… Oh wait they took that too…" - William Wallace/Unknown Critic.

I may be clinically insane or i just may have been around the fungus growing in the ruins of Stratholme too much but did the whole experience regarding the anniversary feel like a caged insanity event?

Where it was so much repetition that there was little to do regarding enjoying the game. I got completely annoyed regarding the dungeon short cuts that players took so often in classic runs.

Constantly doing the same Lorewalker Cho story time events made me want to put a bullzeye on that pandas head and stuff him, use him as a punching bag for later on. There is an infiinite number of characters in the game and we kept hearing the same stories over and over and over.

Glad Thassarians mom didn’t live to see this.

I hope the game artists get paid more than the writers.

Every week visit the vendors, do the story, shuffle through mounts and presto exp buff added.

I literally understand how mad Heath Ledger as the Joker was. (Pulls out a detonator while walking away from Tanaris Tents.)

Not to mention the lag in stormwind, which fyi a majority of it is caused by the cross realm visitors from other servers. Illidari, tichodrius, and other notorious servers known for lag/bots/etc. How many times in dungeon runs is the same lag not evident?

This lag wasn’t an issue before…minus when we had addon launches of course.

I literally knocked out all the quests/achieves for the secrets and such on the final day. Detective achieve, got the bird mount, unlocked every transmog set.

Fortunately, I turned the whole event into a joke in the end.

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So, who held a gun to your head to be there?


I can assure you the Pook was holding a gun to his head for an entirely different reason.

I just miss the xp and rep buff it gave ):

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I enjoyed doing the Anniversary events, i think it went on for a good amount of time to allow everyone to get the achvs. they wanted. I liked the detective quests and T2 armors. I also enjoyed seeing all the characters from the game and “hearing” their conversations. Of course once I got the achievements I never did fashion show, Cho, or mount off again.