Are we a void priest or a shadow priest?

Our class name is shadow priest yet the main color scheme i see is purple.

Its like me trying to sell you a red car but its actually blue and im telling you its red when you can clearly see its blue.

Just saying, still makes no sense to me.


So they’re the same thing. Regardless of how it may have been in the past, the Void and Shadow are synonamous now. Its kind of like asking if a Warlock uses Fel Magic, Chaos Magic or Demon magic. I imagine that they decided to give a hue of colour to Shadow to make it more visually interesting than just black which can be hard to see in dark areas. Purple is often associated with darkness. Idk if you play any magic the gathering but you will often find purple colours on black cards. Idk why this is a thing, but it seems like a fairly common practice


Void is the raging ocean, shadow is the water from your tap is how I explain it.


I think Shadow priests have just delved further into the source of their power

Shadow magic is rooted in the void. Over time we’ve learned to tap into the void itself, which is the source of our shadow magic

I just think of it as us priests learning more and more about our power, and learning to use stronger versions of it. Shadow magic is vampiric, psychic, and consumption, but all of these things are derived from the Void


Shadow is the ultimate Darkness, the complete opposite of Light
One step below both shadow and light are, Void and Holy.

Shadow is complete darkness, Void is the subsection of shadow. Now purple is a fine color for both, Blue is more Void than Shadow. Where Holy is more Gold that Light (white)

I wish we had a black and white color pallet, like that we see in shadowlands from a lot of mobs.


I think you have it backwards. The Void is a vast emptyness. Shadow is a small bit of darkness where light can’t touch. Think about the shadow you cast on the ground vs a cosmic void


Negative my good sir, Take a look at the Cosmo map. Light and Shadow are the top and bottom, in that style of map, those represent the two forces that created everything in between.

Light, Shadow, Disorder, Order, Death, Life.
Below that: Holy, Void, Fel, Arcane, Nature, Necromantic.


Oh my mistake. Thx man. I thought “Shadow (Void)” was the furthest out. I wonder how they differentiate the two levels of “Shadow”


No problem man! The color :slight_smile: haha thats how we differentiate


Shadow energy is just diluted Void energy, so yes a “Shadow” priest is in fact a Void energy user, albeit of a weaker source of Void that’s been vastly toned down by other stuff.

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Again, the cosmology map has the strongest forces on the outside and progressively get weaker, going in.

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I am aware of that, Shadow is a weaker manifestation of Void, impure Void energies if you will manifested/tapped into on the physical plane.

From WoWpedia “Shadow (or void) is the manifestation of Shadow, also called Void. Void lords are entities composed of pure shadow energy.”

The Void (also referred to as Shadow) and the Light are the most fundamental forces in existence. Although contradictory by their very nature, they are bound together on a cosmic scale. One cannot exist without the other. Pure Light and Shadow dwell in realms outside the borders of reality. The Void is not necessarily “evil”, it is a primal force with its morality characterized by how it is wielded. Dimensius the All-Devouring opened gateways to the Void and the Twisting Nether when he invaded K’aresh However, shades of their presence are found in the physical universe: Light manifests as holy magic, while the Void appears as shadow magic."

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I thought it was the most fundamental forces, or rather their purest form.

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I mean it says…


So the question is… which one is more dominate?
I would lean that “Shadow” is the dominate one and “Void” is the subset or “part of” Shadow.


Nvm lol. I missed the other SHADOW at the very bottom. My monitor was cutting that off.

Yea okay, Shadow is the overarching theme. Void is a subset. Case closed lol.


Shadow used to be just this non-descript power that had very little elaboration. The void also existed, but was in the same boat.

For legion, they wrote the chronicle, and re-organized the cosmology. Now Void is the main derivative of shadow, and they decided that was where spriest draws power from.

I’d prefer to lean back towards the more non-descript form of shadow with all the mystery. Like in WoD we had the Arrakoa that wielded lots of that non-voidy shadow magic without going insane, they were interesting. I’m just burned out of the whole void theme, this patch ruined it for me.


Yeah shadow at the very bottom, is like Void’s Parent.

Shadow can exist without (Void) but not vice versa


Why is the void purple.


Probably the same reason that Fel is green

As a start, artists generally try to avoid straight black as the primary color for anything. It’s nice as an accent, but if it’s the whole design you lose detail.

As far as why purple specifically, blue/purple are both cold colors and in their darker shades have a lot of heavy associations with the night. The ‘cold dark beyond’ is one of the major driving themes of the Void, so the blue/purple motif supports that.

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looks like blizzard agrees with the community. were shadow priests.