Are Void Elves really High Elves?

By golly he’s got it!

What does that have to do with what I am saying?

Honest question, do you know what I am trying to say, or would prefer clarification?

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There’s a paradigm you’re suggesting that Runeleaf is saying those who did not return to Quel’Thalas are “lesser elves.” However, because I have seen many of Runeleaf’s posts, she does not incite or assert that.

She’s merely pointing out like I am, from a Sin’Dorei/Quel’Dorei or patriotic member of the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas perspsective, those who did not return and continued to stay in the human kingdoms would be seen more as traitors or untrustworthy.

Lor’themar clearly wishes to unite all of the Thalassian people but the Ren’Dorei are a true danger to the very existence of the people. The Void Elf race unlock also suggests that those Quel’Dorei who did not approve of the Siphon Magic technique, some have returned as well. Umbric and his cohort even show that among the Sin’Dorei there was not agreement either.

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But my point remains:

People didn’t want to play as the elves that became Sin’dorei they wanted to play the ones that remained Quel’dorei. They’d been asking for a long time. Blizzard COULD have made the Void Elves former Quel’dorei members if they’d wanted to. Either way there are very few Void Elves in canon.

For people who really loved the high elves in the RTS it must feel like “you don’t need High Elf we have High Elf at home.”

At this point Blizzard could at least add a line somewhere in the Rift indicating high elves joining the rank so people can have that connection. And yes, to some folks, that sort of thing is important.

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The Sin’Dorei are the Quel’Dorei. I’m sorry Blizzard did not go in the Lord of the Rings/classic elven-human relations direction.

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Nah, “Arbitrary” would be exclusively using the semantics of a name change to start an argument because they’re offended by the idea that Horde have High elves. It’s relying on the idea that whoever they’re speaking to doesn’t know enough of the lore to correct them, so I have no problem doing it myself.

It’s another thing to just bring it up to someone as a way of insulting them.

Well, you inserted yourself into the conversation but I’m glad you’ve cleared that up.

Lesser? I actually really like Alliance high elves, but I like them for their lore, not the Blood elf lore, that doesn’t make them lesser. I think the ones that remained with the Alliance are interesting, I love that they kept their blue and gold color scheme (My favorite color combination ironically.) I like their relationship with the Alliance races, I like their human-inspired armor, and even their conflict with Blood elves. It makes them interesting.

Suddenly these Modern Alliance High elves who’s defining features were how they defied their people and adopted these modern humancentric lifestyles as Nobles in Stormwind that can be seen wearing human clothes, speaking common, and even have children with humans, to then suddenly start painting their faces with warpaint and start braiding and sticking feathers in their hair; it makes no sense. It’s not like you see the Silver Covenant or any of the Stormwind Elves doing that. But you would see a Farstrider doing it.

The only Alliance elf who did that was Alleria, and that was quite literally only because she essentially stepped out of a time machine, and even then who are the first like-minded elves she runs to for Allies? The blood elves. Alliance High elves didn’t rally behind her likely because they no longer have anything in common.

It would be like if random people in real life just started dressing like pilgrims and pretending that they’re no different then Amish people who actually dress that way because it’s it’s part of their culture and beliefs, I don’t think using the lore that sets them apart from their counterparts makes them lesser, just different.

For a time the people who wanted Alliance High elves used to actually use these themes as ways to try to differentiate them from Blood elves and make them more credible as a playable race. Giving them human hairstyles, and accentuating what makes them different from the playable Blood elves. When High elf customizations were added to Void elves, it felt like that previous mindset went out the window, and the goal became “How much can we steal from the Blood elves?” Instead of playing into the concepts they designed themselves that set them apart.

If you were truly a High elf fan from the RTS, then you would have been excited as I was to pick up their story from where it left off in the RTS games. To play as one of the High elves in Silvermoon after Arthas attacked, to play through their story and witness what struggles and hardships they had to endure in the aftermath.

You would not be so hung up on which faction they’re on.


The sin’dorei and the quel’dorei are two different people now in the same vein that orcs and mag’har orcs are two different people.

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People, groups, factions, yes.

I think folks are getting it! They are the same race, just like the two orcs are the same race.

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Depends. Are you talking about them as a species? If so

High Elves = Blood Elves = Void Elves.

Are you talking about their political affiliation and the cultural sub-group? Then all not the same.


This all exists in a strange sort of space. From one perspective Galathir is correct, the request in technical form is the blood elf model on the alliance side. Could the devs explore ways to make them different, from all their years living amongst humans? Yes, absolutely. It just hasn’t been done. And from another perspective, since we’re about to have 3 races who are identical regardless of faction, there’s certainly space to say that appearing different is not really an issue these days.

Where the “neutral” races have little reason to engage in faction conflict, blood elves and high elves do. The additions to Telogrus showing new recruits from some source of aliiance aligned high elves do help to try and sell void elves, but many facets of their nature and goals are completely opposite to the elves myself and others would prefer to play as. Not to mention the bizarre and virtually impossible stated goal of Umbric to make Silvermoon alliance land. Like they could possibly have enough people to hold it. I still can’t figure out why they’d even want to go back there. In that regard, the high elves who remained in the alliance had, to my mind at least, much more interesting potential with finding their way forward, new home and relations, etc. especially in a terrestrial sense. The void elves don’t even live on our planet :man_shrugging:


Technically speaking all of that could just be attached to Void Elves through either barber options, an NPC you just talk to to switch some out, and the addition of a few more customizations and an armor set. (And I guess a mount coloration.)

I mean I don’t think it’s malicious, but Runeleaf is kinda doing that.

It’s making a distinction between how Blood Elves and High Elves evolved culturally, putting the HE on a disparaging light has having abandoned their culture in favor of humans, and while Runeleaf correctly points out how does that doesn’t make the BE any less than that they were, it doesn’t extend the same curtesy to the HE.

It’s the whole presenting HE as “less deserving” of their legacy because their culture (specifically SC) has been influenced by humanity. Regardless of that, they are still children of Quel’thalas as any other thalassian.

Well it’s good that I am not bringing up that point.

It’s just that’s evident that in your argumentation to give Blood Elves their deserved due, you have to put High Elves down. My point is that we’re at the point of the conversation where we should all be on the same page that all the children of Quel’thalas are heirs to their legacy.

But it does seem that you do try to box the alliance High Elves to how much humanity has influenced them, almost like if to you, they are only interesting if they are removed from their thalassian heritage. Did the Allerian Fatrsiders lost the connection to their culture? If Alleria didn’t in a thousand years, why would they? And what about the Highvale, who are a band of Rangers with a specific affinity for the light?

It’s unfair to say that modern high elves are just represented by the Silver Covenant, and even so, to say that it would be weird that they:

We don’t see blood elves doing that either in game, but it’s part of their heritage, so if it happened it would be neat. But why can’t you extend the same courtesy to SC HE? Does humanity’s influence truly deny their Farstrider heritage to you?

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Void = Dark
Dark = Great Below
Great Below = Low

Therefore void elves are Low Elves.

Void = Dark
Dark = The Great Dark Beyond
The Great Dark Beyond = Space Above.

Void elves are Above Elves.

Because the Highevles changed their name to Blood Elves just like the Nightborne changed their name just like the Voidelves changed their name but it doesn’t change that they are all from the Highborne Elves.

Well, they do need to replace that elf Forsaken, last one is doing Maw dailies forever.