Are Void Elves really High Elves?

The Blood Elves officially forego the High Elf title in a canon story. If you’re not part of the Blood Elves/the Horde anymore, it makes you automatically to a High Elf these days.


They can actually also lore wise be a elf that never used fel magic for the green eyes.

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Consider what the word “race” means and answer this question. How can three sisters with the same monther and father be of different RACES.

And answer my question. Can you think of any other example of siblings (that means brothers and sisters) anywhere that are different races?

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Yes they are. And so are blood elves. We’ve been over this many times.

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It’s all the same race, yet High Elves are exclusively found in the Alliance.
Blood Elves are mostly Horde (a part of them joined the Void Elves, though).
Void Elves are only found in the Alliance.

Though I guess in Midnight they will all be neutral.


Yes, those are our only confirmed canon half-elves.

Accoreding to, ‘Before the Storm,’ there are so few half-elves on Azeroth that Kalecgos’ visage form is kind of useless for walking around unnoticed.

Considering Kalecgos spends most of his time in Dalaran, and the Silver Covenant is not a negligible portion of the city’s population, if most of it were Half-Elves, then he’d likely have little difficulty going unnoticed.

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For mine it depends on whether or not I self medicate before logging on to him, so…wait…what are we talking about again??

What the word “race” means in reality and what it means in fantasy are two very different things.

The Windrunners were all born high elves. Sylvanas died and became a banshee. Alleria did some void nonsense and fundamentally changed her own physical makeup. Vereesa chose to stay in Dalaran and with the Alliance rather than break off with the greater part of her race who declared themselves blood elves.


The analogy I use is this.

Glass is made of sand and heat. Is glass sand? Technically. But when the heat was added, it changed something fundamentally. The glass became a new thing forged from new techniques. Sand may have been the base, but the glass is glass. Not sand.

I believe it’s the same with void elves, except the high elf = sand and void = heat. When the two things are combined, something fundamentally different is the outcome.


I don’t know, realistically depends on whether or not they can reproduce and if yes, is the kid born with void corruption and features? If yes, then no, they are as much high elves as night elves are nightborne, which is to say, they would be classified as a different subspecies.

Though that would demand another question: Can a kid even survive void corruption and it’s whispers as conscinousness starts to develop?

I think it’s not just the physical feature variations, but the lore and story that go with a race. Also, an ability like Entropic Embrace is rather jarring, when you’re trying to RP as a High Elf.

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Exactly right. I declared myself a Red Sox fan but it didn’t change my race.

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dont worry midnight will bring together all the elves and blood elves, void elves and high elves will all be playable on either faction

Derek Proudmoore (Forsaken) ~ and ~ Jaina Proudmoore (Human).


In simple terms, it’s as someone else stated:

Ain’t that a beach?

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well the key to it is 2000 years of being assimilated by humans in dalaran, in fact this is the excuse ion gave for there not being enough alliance high elves to draw an allied race from as they were being assimilated. now if by assimilated he meant hanging out in dalaran and being absorbed by human culture, that would just mean dalaran is where the high elves could be derived from. but thats not what he was suggesting. in fact, elisande mentions it also when confronting veressa and the silver covenant. if two of the most prominent alliance high elves had human mates and half elven children,chances are many of the alliance high elves have half elven children and half elven ancestors

Derek is still a human, he’s just Undead.

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That’s because I am the High Elf.

Yep and even be Sin’Dorei.

Hence my character and other Blood Elves who can have Blue or Purple (Like the Mage Elf in WC3 pre-reforged).

False, all Blood Elves are High Elves. Now if you are saying some elves (Thalassians) chose to align with a new Alliance, that’s a different matter and pure political.

They never gave up the term Quel’Dorei, rather they took up Sin’Dorei in remembrance of the fallen (The great amount of fallen). Quel’Dorei belongs to 3 camps actually if you want to get in to it. The Sin’Dorei do not deny their history as the Highborne or being High Elf. They never have not been the High Elves. They are still the classic lithe Blond Haired, refined, magic centered, classic High Elf fantasy.

You mean pledge allegiance to Quel’Thalas? The High Home of the Thalassians? Yes, makes perfect sense to me.


Or, using Occom’s razor, Kalecgos was able to use magic to “see” what a half-elf would look like.

Too early to tell giving that War Within hasn’t been released yet. So Who Knows.