I started TWW toward the end of season1 and haven’t gotten around to using many. I’ve planted a few just to see what it was like but I’ve been mostly saving them. From the reading I’ve done it seems like a lot of people say they aren’t that useful, but what have you guys found?
I feel like it would be most valuable to do this in a group of 2-3 so that you have multiple people planting and killing mobs? I read one person saying that they got a lot of low quality herbs and that there are diminishing returns, but I haven’t found a lot of people that have used a lot and kept track of any data.
Here is data from a seed party I did awhile ago (11-21-24):
Duration: 45 mins
party members: 4
Mycobloom: R1 120, R2 101, R3 18
Arathors spear: R1 57, R2 35, R3 25
Blessing blossom: R1 97, R2 24, R3 16
Orbinid: R1 107, R2 24, R3 30
luredrop: R1 27, R2 19, R3 5
Null lotus: 7
Leyline residue: 5
Crystalline powder: 21
Viridescent spore: 10
Total herbs: 712 (gather rate 949 herbs per hour)
Traditional herbing (data taken 1-31-25):
Duration: 1 hour
Mycobloom: R1 206, R2 210, R3 73
Blessing blossom: R1 72, R2 98, R3 41
Arathors spear: R1 28, R2 65, R3 30
Null lotus: 6
Crystalline powder: 21
Leyline residue: 24
Total herbs: 829 (gather rate 829 herbs/hour, base finesse 38% during this trial)
I wish I had a more recent data set for my seed parties. As more of my party members are getting special seeds like irradiated seeds we’re getting more and more leyline residue. I also have a heck of a lot more finesse and skill now. But even so, the seeds out-perform traditional herbing by a decent margin.
Not only that, it’s one of the fastest ways to catch up.
If you go on Tuesday you’ll usually find a bunch of people already there.
The benefit of the seed increases exponentially if you plant em in a group or maybe in a guild group to replenish the guild’s stores for your cauldrons. Each member also getting seeds from those herbs and planting them? You get herbs up the wazoo very fast! If other farmers notice you and join in, that garden becomes quite frantic!
I always invite at least 1 herbalist friend when I go gardening. And don’t forget a razorstone!
My guildies are doing one better and giving me R3 horticulture… I’m like totally set for the whole season thanks to seed parties and guildies pitching in