Are V-elves and b-elves becoming pandaren?

I say yes, personally. I play void elves for a blueberry elf, with the void feel. I play blood elves for a more “civilized” elf feel. The lines between them are blurring, you can’t argue that. Soon, you look at a elf and can’t tell if it is a void elf or blood elf, based on its physical appearance. If we get more classic skin tones for velfs, they should still have a taint of void. I like high elves, their lore is cool, but I don’t want one of my favorite races (velfs) to be sacrificed in order for another race to join, which is basically already here. If high elves get added, they will be pandaren to blood elves. Especially if they are Silvermoon high elves, the starting zone would be the same, and the lore wouldn’t make sense either. Silvermoon joined the horde because when the Elves were being attacked by undead, the Humans in the south refused to help.

I’m fine with this as long as I can have that purple hair color

they wish they could be us


I hope not.


It could be possible, during the Alliance campaign the VE Magister states his ultimate goal is to reconcile the differences between his people and bring the Blood Elves to the Alliance. Lofty goals, but it is possible.


Fair point

How the turn tables from Silvermoon refusing to help the humans in WC2 until Eversong was raided.

No. The Void elves relinquished all ties to everything sindorei - our music, lament of the Highborne, and silvermoon. They have nothing to do with the shining kingdom of Quel’Thalas anymore.

Unlike pandaren who still have firm ties to both the Wandering Isle and pandaren Culture.

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The idea of sillhouette identification is outdated.

Players should be able to play either faction with any unlocked race. Are you playing on a race that is normally Alliance and want to by Horde? The defect and go through a series of quests to change your allegience. And vice versa. No character services or transaction fees. Just a long quest to defect factions and play on the side you want to play on. Yes, this means humans will be allowed in Orgrimmar and Orcs allowed in Stormwind. We can work with this and build our own factions.

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You’re a demon hunter. You literally threw all your ties to that in the fire yourself to follow Illidan and the traitor king

Unlike the void elves, who are just another high elf mutation who got kicked out for just researching spooky magic.

No they are not.

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its pandamonia

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Kind of. Both have options to look like High Elves now (Their parent race) and Void Elves are almost certainly going to get more High Elf options in the future according to the Head Art Director.

You called? (Hopefully not one of the other shades :stuck_out_tongue: )


My velf is open to trading some purple hair for pure white hair.

Not sure how exactly you’re supposed to exile a group that can open portals to anywhere, at any time with seemingly no cost.

If the void elves wanted into Silvermoon or the sunwell they’d be in there. There’s not much to be done to stop them.

Banishing powerful and useful people seems out of character for the blood elves.

That’s highly debatable depending on which bias you’re looking at it from.

But at least both sides seem to agree it wasn’t said either way in terms of confirmation.

Not really. The quest chain to unlock the VE state they were exiled as they studied magic that could not be controlled. While the BE love power, it is power they can subjugate as they did the Naa’ru in BC. If they can’t control it, they forbid it. Void magic, Necromancy, etc.

None of this is an issue. Nor Velfs not Belfs are disappearing.

What other people get to play with shouldn’t be a problem for you.

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Basically, yes. In future expansions, you’ll see the story line morph into a redemption arc between blood elves, high elves and void elves to collectively become just High elves.

At that point, they will be available for both factions under the High Elf label in the login screen.

Blizzard is tired of all the wasted forum moderation that has gone into high elf threads so they’re heading in that direction.