Are those people seriously defending fire mages are fair?

They cannot be serious right? zunni failed the grip and mage failed the blink in warrior’s bastion and still win the game on next meteor. LOL


Fire mage has gotten progressively more lenient to failure with each expansion.

Juking was hard so they got three schools of cc and greater pyro to force kicks or reactions.

Living was hard so they gave fire ice block and cauterize baseline and triune ward and 25 second cd barriers and a wall that also snares your enemy and…

Positioning was hard so they gave them shimmer and instant cc.

Doing damage was hard so they made combustion the best cd in game and all off the gcd.

Fire is a meme.


Preach my friend

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developers are on vacation until next expansion, sorry… rerroll fire, ww or hpally


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Honestly not sure why they even played a mage vs a Boomy or an ele

Combustion CD also can now be greatly reduced from the standard 2 mins.

Also, since most go Night Fae they also get an extra blink and mobility which has seen valuable use in AWC and makes it yet even harder to connect and ultimately kill a mage.

games fun when mages r meta