Are they not hearing us?

Anyone know what causes this? since it sucks in arena

Strength of Marksmanship in BGs?

Extreme range, frontloaded damage profile, ease of play when left uncontested, etc. Basically you just sit back and parse on people unless they can really push into you, and often in bgs everybody just kind of passively trades into each other.

Melee often can’t access you between traps/knocks/scatter, or rather you make yourself unappealing enough of a target that they’re dead if they get near you.


what do you consider relevant pvp. I have constitently pushed 1800 and even 2100 at one point since the beging of SL. So because im not a gladiator i dont get to have any input? Ret has felt terrible all season until our rework.

Any time someone doesnt agree with you its mass report?

Ret had 1 week of glory and then was kinda crap again. No one denies this. Also I understand wanting your class to be fun, and feeling worried that the heavy hand of blizzard wont do you holy justice. Cause they rarely do appropriate nerfs. But TBQH I’ve said this a bunch and Ill say it again; Ret isnt just OP, its BROKEN. Its removed most of the classes and comps from the game. You cant do a bg without 4+ rets each team. You cant queue a single arena above 1900 without literally 49/50 comps having a ret. Its like that one song that goes “and its all yellow” but instead of yellow its all tears and weve had enuff of your oppression :(. No one reasonable wants ret to be in the gutter, we just wanna be able to play again. Sorry people spam reported you/whoever theyre talking about.


Just because a lot of you rets don’t know how to play the support dps role and play like a warrior doesn’t mean they were terrible.


Honestly from speaking with many of the pvp groups im a part of and many of my ret friends we were excited to get to come back and feel useful. So all of us that were exciting we got our class fixed felt like dusting off the hammer and getting back into it. Im not saying that tuning doesnt need to happen. But nerfing us back to the grave isnt the answer either.


Its important to keep in mind where the majority of the player base actually is CR/EXP wise… its not an insult but a reality of MMR systems themselves. A class like feral might be really good some expansions and yet you see no one play it and people complain its bad when its S tier cause its really hard to play. I’m not saying ret is really hard to play just pointing out that feelings are valid. But looking at the bigger picture is always gonna be more important balance wise…

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Totally agree and all that is fair. I hope ret stays S tier I really do, I just dont wanna see a ret in every single game of arena that I play. If we can get there then I think things will be ok :smiley:


Yo kenny I just wanna summon you real quick to point something out.
Remember our argument where you and jimmy and like 4 others ganged up on me about clicking frames and how it was equal to throwing.
What do you think about the fact that pikaboo got like 8 chars 3k+ clicking frames :)?
Dont get me wrong even he admitted its not optimal and im willing to give that free point to you guys just like I did before. But my point from that thread always was that it is not = throwing :).
Can I win that argument now?

I agree we need the variety, it feels like with every patch a new class takes the top spot. The next patch is less than a month away and im sure we are going to be nerfed heavily.

Since the rework not only have i felt that ret wasnt overlooked in pvp but also in my mythic raid guild we felt useful again.

Ret was broken otherwise blizz would have worked so hard on a massive overhaul. Im all for pvp tuning especially with quick turn around but i dont think that has ever been blizzards strong point.

Yup, which is why i understand your fear. Most people should. Blizzard does finger curls to increase the strength of their heavy hands before every balancing descision. Truthfully at some point I almost go conspiracy brain and think they purposely throw a class on top for engagement/money reasons but thats probably just crazy talk :). Either way again I hope the nerfs are balanced but the truth is we all are probably stuck in a never ending cycle of “whos on top” and “fotm rerollers” however its undeniable with the ease of access to gear and alts this xpac has provided that fotm rerolling can be a HUGE issue if things are too heavily buffed or nerfed.


That’s why they need to do more quick tuning when something is obviously an issue. I’m a longtime ret main myself and the spec is definitely absurdly broken. That being said, I agree with you that there’s plenty of ways to keep it good without outright gutting the spec.

Most people know what needs to change with it, and now we have to wait and see if Blizzard actually does it. Just hope they don’t overdo it or hit the wrong things, either way tuning is going to happen and it’s absolutely tragic they released the rework in the final weeks of the season.

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This, so much this. Honestly probably wouldnt have cared at all if it was 10.1 and stuff was bonkers for a bit. But end of season when normally I’d push things If I felt like it and just hell no, cant be bothered, too toxic. Which is probably why a lot of people are so upset

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That does nothing to the current season being ruined for ret being completely over the top.

This is utter horse, no spec ever has been the entire meta, where if you didn’t have this spec you were completely out of luck.

I am sick of hearing about how “other specs are strong” out of the mouth of terrible players abusing ret being completely broken.

Because once again no singular spec did the meta completely revolve around


You got reported because you say completely wrong information like

You are seeing more rets currently being used because we havent had a moment to shine in ages. People actually have a reason to log into their ret again because we are no longer bottom of the barrel.

Completely missing out that rets have been S tier as recently as earlier this season, not to mention being top tier ALL of shadowlands and parts of legion too. How is that not trolling? You are just like all the other rets that gaslight and pretend like ret is never good. You even deflect and cry about other classes as if they weren’t complained about or are anywhere near meta warping as rets are now.

The community council is a joke.


As we’re supposedly kiting you, you’re chunking us with ranged damage. By the time we’ve turned around to cast a spell, we’re at 25% health already.

Paladins are insane.


This isn’t Wotlk… Even though we are on classic characters.

Yea they are getting a tad ridiculous. MM hunters arent that big a deal to me, as long as they aren’t left alone they’re not a factor.

I really enjoy my class having actual less range than a melee on most of my abilities.