Are they not hearing us?

Our community council member spoke up, then of course a Ret who doesn’t PvP on the ready.

Then Blizz mentioned a PvE nerf of 3% damage…?


rets are unplayable with these nersf idk what to tell you man

Also I don’t think I’ve ever seen a council player get downvoted so hard lmfao


Ret is dead, time to complain about the true menace (Marksmanship in unranked battlegrounds)


I’ll raise you 1 better.

Blood DK in unranked battlegrounds.

Kill that.


Ret needs buffs tbh

Can it still kidnap people like it could in SL

It can do worse.

it can kill

Idk, this is just stupid. I can understand bad balance at the start of season, but doing a massive rework midway through season and not adjusting for weeks is a real scummy move.

Like anything that doesnt play well with a ret has disappeared from the ladder, and ret is in every single game.


Ret is fine, you’re a frost mage, spell steal freedom, kite wings, kill. It’s really that easy.

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The man speaks facts. There is nothing wrong in the logic here.

Based mage hard counters rets.


Ret needs a ms in order to compete now.


This but post-ironically

They Don’t Care About Us (с) Michael Jackson


Theres a sale on faction change so you can be a troll in game too.

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The community council is such a good idea that they have just completely failed at executing. You should not be able to post there without decent experience in all of the endgame content types at some point. You should also have a history of at least relatively fair and objective takes.

Stuff like this:

Completely negates people’s willingness to take it seriously. Special letters and a consolidated forum that only special letter people get to post on should have standards. If you’re going to allow people without any relevant pvp history to post there, it should be understood that they’re not going to comment on pvp.


Honestly we just need to unsubscribe and show them with our money. It’s the only way. I know I am. Today is my last day of subscription. I know I’ll probably be back someday, but I know not for a while.

Before these stupid ret buffs, I probably would have subscribed for another month. But yeah, not thanks. Ret meta isn’t fun, the game isn’t fun when it revolves around one spec alone.


As unfortunate as it is, it is not realistic to expect significant changes 2 days before AWC begins. If we don’t see anything further next Tuesday, that’s when we’ll know the season is truly lost.

ruining the entire game for like 30 something people that participate in a tournament for a mcdonald’s salary nice

the season has less than a month left it’s already lost


How many people watch the awc vs actually just play the game

I get Blizz is eternally in shambles because they bungled dota which became 50x bigger than their game but like what purpose of the AWC actually serve


I don’t think the people they call “developers” are necessarily the ones coding the game. A more legitimate title for what they do in other kinds of software development would be “designer” or “architect”. The people you are envisioning writing the code probably don’t need to know much about the game, just which code branch to modify and what values to change. Technical carryover is pretty important, because you don’t want architects that don’t know anything about coding, but the design function is more their job.

They want to get bought out. That is why we get expansions every two years instead of just ongoing updates to the same game. Same thing with call of duty. Their decision makers in design are focused on time played metrics and other ways that they can try to finesse microsoft’s board into thinking that the brand is more valuable than it is. They gave us shuffle which is fun, but also a giant time sink. I think they want to do better with the classes but peak class design and balance just isn’t the primary goal in their strategy. More people will participate in time consuming content if their classes are better, but the time consuming content being time consuming is more important.