Are these macros possible?

Greetings fellows! These requests come out of a desire to multi box some demo warlocks and bring some truly spectacular imp swarms out. Just trying to figure out to make it work with procs and cooldowns.

I would like a macro that casts Call Felhunters if the spell is off cooldown. If it IS on cooldown, it will cast shadow bolt.

I’d also like a spell that casts demonbolt IF Power Infusion(or whatever the buff that makes demonbolt instant) is an active buff. If there is no power infusion buff, it casts shadowbolt.

Names are off, because I only just began playing retail again and have a horrendous memory but you get the idea.

Are these macros even possible?

Thank you in advance!

You should review sticky on Macros: Essential Info at the top of this forum

Macro’s support some conditions, they can differentiate between friend (help) and foe (harm) and live and dead and a few other things. They cannot differentiate on cooldowns, buffs, target life, range, and many similar “smart” choices.

Lots of players use addons like TellMeWhen and WeakAuras to track cooldowns and other stuff that help them make decisions. Then write macros to “switch” between 2 spells (like Call Felhunters and Shadow bolt) by when you hold down modifier keys (ctrl, shift, alt). For example,

/cast [mod]Call Felhunters;Shadow Bolt

Ultimately Blizz wants you to make the choice of who to target and what to cast and when and the macro’s are oriented for that.

After you review the stickies in this forum, here’s some good additional resources on Macros