Are there any PvP guilds out there?

As a former member of DJL (Davey Jones Locker) and current member of SAS (savage alliance slayers) I feel obligated to discourage anyone from applying to DJL. The core members are a clique that torture favors and calls her ‘friends’. New members are treated like outsiders. If they don’t think you are a good fit, if you do something torture didn’t like, you get kicked without a word. New members are treated like disposable trash which I think is disgusting. Behind these characters we’re all people and deserve some level of respect. If you want to remain in DJL best to keep your head down and not say anything. They are not at all welcoming which I’ve found to be the exact opposite in SAS.

A few of us on this forum have been removed for minor/petty reasons which is a lot considering how few players use these forums. It’s probably why they never have enough players online to fill an epic bg. I was told I had too much ego and kicked via forum message (seriously), Dooman queued as mercenary against them and was called “scum” and kicked (wtf?). Jugaa got kicked a few minutes after joining cause Torture’s ‘friends’ didn’t approve of Jugaa’s forum conduct (trolling). We’re all members of SAS now and I imagine there is other members of SAS that weren’t deemed good enough by Torture and her friends.

They only queue for 2 to 2.5 hours a day when Torture herself is queuing. Many games they struggled against pugs and the month I was there they never beat a premade unless they outnumbered them notably. One day they lost 5 games in a row and were somewhat despondent about it in disc. Outside of their 8 pm - 10:30 pm EST epic bg queue window their members were rarely online or willing to do other content. They are older and you are more likely to hear a story in the middle of a match than a strategical call, even as they lose. Targets calls were almost non-existant but if there was one it was from Torture herself.

SAS queue many more hours of the day with a lot more player activity, aren’t ran by a temperamental kick-happy leader, perform far better, have a better method of queuing, and can both function and queue without their leader present. That said SAS and DJL do almost entirely epic BG premades so if you want to do something else pvp related probably best looking elsewhere.