Save me a trip to the vendor! Ty
Yes, long gloves, a tabard, and I think a skirt. All of them a brown color at least that what they look like to me.
A lot of shirts. Like 6 of them.
The Duelist’s Midnight Doublet is my new favorite Shirt mog.
Yes, the doublets are nice. I picked up several.
…with high collars! Really nice to have high collared shirts for some mogs.
So let me get this straight.
The set reward for trial of style is entirely Brown, and not just any Brown, Potato sack Brown?
So stylish.
lol. Cultured people call it sepia. You can pretend you’re in an old photo or something.
The shirts are what stole the show for me. I haven’t done Trial of Style the passed couple times but those shirts got me back in there.
Don’t need armor anymore because the duelist midnight doublet looks so awesome it will distract your enemies.
brown shade # 23155
All of the shirts look nice, but I rarely wear just shirts. I’m sure I’ll find an alt for a couple of them. I was disappointed there weren’t any new cool looking sets, or weapons, but I got them all pretty quickly, so I guess I’m done doing it already.
Not the end of the world, just going back to dying a lot in PS or just leveling alts like normal, lol.
Omg they look good tho
A shirtload of shirts.
Are you shirting me?