Are There Any Good Blood DK Mogs?

I’m looking for any ideas on a red/bloodish transmog, haven’t really seen any and would love some general ideas for one.

A few good ones… Tho Red and purely red is hard to come by without it getting parted with Purple, yellow, orange, ect…

I been creating the one I wear over the pass expansions. Kinda every most of all xpacks pieces on me. :slight_smile:

Mythic Sanctum of Domination set from Shadowlands is a popular one. Its a darker version of the armor I have on now with some deep red glow in certain areas.

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one of the castle nathria sets, the venthyr sets, there’s a set covered in red gnashing mouths from i think the MoP era, i think it was called all consuming maw or something, not sure if it has a matching weapon. normal tier elementium deathplate from firelands, though some of the lower pieces textures are a bit dated but the helmet and pauldrons hold up. raid finder tier amirdrassil set, aberrus heroic, sanctum of dominion mythic, antorus heroic, and fierce gladiator from legion 5, 6, and 7.

those are all the ones ive seen that are full sets and look really blood themed.

Yes the Throne of Thunder normal mode set from Mists of Panderia

For Red sets there are also the Heroic set from Icecrown Citadel, and there is a Ulduar 10 man “set” that is a red recolour of T8, and the Deadly Gladiator set from the first wrath PvP season is also red.

Also a few more red sets:

And there are still more, I do recommend wowhead for searching for Tmog sets

good luck. i stopped running uld because of what timewalking did to the loot table. Unless it was fixed sometime in the recent past this would be a pain to actually get.