Are there any forges for smelting Panderia?

I’m wondering if either the Shrine of the Seven Stars (Alliance) or Shrine of the Two Moons (Horde) have somewhere to smelt.

I looked fairly closely and could not see anything. I’ve been using thermal anvils, but figured maybe I’m missing something?

I mean there are auction houses and anvils for engineers.

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Can’t you just use a dark iron dwarf?

There’s one in Halfhill, I know for sure.

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The bellows inside the area with the blacksmith supply npc on either faction works as a forge.

Also, Horde-side, there’s a forge right by the portal to orgrimmar in Honedew Village.

4-years-later edit: well, since this was bumped today in 2024, and I didn’t have TL3 quite yet at the original time of my post, I figure I’ll edit this and embed the image I had created and linked to.


Thank you!!!

Location (Halfhill):
“There’s also a forge a bit to the left of the inn at Halfhill Market (and by left I mean if you’re walking out of the front door.) If you go down the hill you’ve gone too far.”

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