Are the Shaman changes being announced this Tuesday?

Has it been confirmed?

It was confirmed to be this week, no one can promise you Tuesday. But most builds have been Tuesday, for what it’s worth.


Hoping for the best but expecting the worst :grimacing:


I’m very interested to know what they end up doing. I’ve tried to get into playing shaman fo years without success. I’m hoping for a significant ability prune to bring them into line with other, more popular classes.

Remove primordial wave and let us enhancers go all in and make a viable stormstrike build.

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i like primordial wave but they really need to stop basing builds around it and just make a real gear set. they need to end the sets revolving around an ability and let people choose how they wanna build and the set should just give a nice boost to dmg

At this point, they could do literally nothing but give us a second charge of Astral Shift and it would be more than I expect.

You have the Storm build already, quit whining about one of the most valuable spells ever added to the spec.

That ship sailed as soon as they previewed the DF talent trees. They hacked the base classes to the bone and migrated 90% of our spellbooks to the talent trees so they could fill them out without resorting to three dozen +1% Vanilla talents.

They would run out of set bonuses in no time if they had to avoid them ever forcing a talent pick, because there isn’t enough left to the base classes anymore to support more than a handful of tier bonuses before they start repeating themselves.

All spells replaced with Lightning Bolt.

Get rid of Icefury and Primordial Wave from elemental, implement either Earthquake or another spell spreads Flameshock and give a talent that is passive in sending out multi Lava Bursts every X amount of Time or AP Spent. That would fix so much problems with the spec and I would enjoy playing it again. I played Shaman since LK and it after MoP it just went down hill with nothing but Lava burst spam where it used to be an actual heavy hitter spell that did dmg not some mid tier average dmg spell that is constantly spammed, that’s what Lightning bolt was for.

Yeah enjoy using Icefury :smiling_imp:

Good. They should let them go. People really wanted set bonuses back and they obliged at the end of shadowlands, but I think it was a mistake. And that they did it just to make the players happy about something. Because they knew the new talent system was on the horizon. Its very premise of choice just doesn’t mesh with set bonuses, where you are forced to take a specific build.

It’s only going to be more of a tightrope with hero talents in the mix. A portion of our choice will be taken away by them already. So either the concept of having choice in how we build our characters is undermined or we get bland, pointless set bonuses. At which point, why bother? Just let it go.

But still give us class sets of course.

Remove icefury*

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I kind of wish they didn’t include that last part about the hotfixes and let people melt down about how “their huge change was just a damage buff?!?!” over the weekend.

Anyway. I’m looking forward to seeing what they do. I once enjoyed shaman and ever since the new talent system was implemented it removed the ability to have a semi competitive unbloated talent loadout, and i can’t really enjoy it how it is now like that.