Are the Qiraji battle tanks ever going to be ridable outside the raid

The temple of Ahn’Qiraj raid has been out since Vanilla. WHY ARE THESE MOUNTS STILL ONLY RIDABLE IN A RAID THAT HASN’T BEEN RELEVANT FOR 17 YEARS???


Because if they made them actual mounts, their droprate would plummet? :woman_shrugging:t4: I don’t know. I think it would be fun to change them, though. Even if they become rare drops. It’ll give people something else fun to do.

I just feel like it’s a waste of some perfectly good mounts. I like their design and really wish I could ride them outside of a raid I feel most players rarely ever go to


The fact that the mounts are only usable in the raid is outdated. Before, all other mounts weren’t usable in the raid, so these mounts were useful. Now, all other mounts are usable, but these mounts dismount you in combat.


Maybe someday we see a Timewalking Ahn’qiraj and it will be relevant again.

There is the blue one from archaeology

That’s the best you’re gunna get


There’s one that is - but it’s from archaeology. It’s another blue one though, and can be ridden outside the raid.

Technically the black one works outside too but it’s just a slight bit unobtainable.


Don’t worry. Give the crying brats a bit and they’ll naturally end up demanding a new gong event with a black beetle awarded for just doing some basic questline because they didn’t play back then so it isn’t fair or whatever stupid nonsense they believe to justify their excessive hedonism at expense of game health.

Similarly they’d say having to grind 42000 carapace fragments is unfair. So log in, kill 10 bugs a day for a week and boom, black beetle mount just as special as the people who did the actual grind.

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I doubt that. The archaeology one uses the same model. Everyone has access to a “bug” mount.

That only goes so far. Blizzard has shown if there’s a dollar sign associated with something they can easily do that they will. Everything else be damned.

Inb4 Blizzard’s true Hail Mary play is to take all formerly time limited exclusive content, release it again for a 3 month period when they are desperate to puff up quarterly reports.

I’m pretty sure that one is a myth.


Nah its the fossil raptor mount thats a myth :stuck_out_tongue: At least for me !

So many tolvir solves

So little bugs


I got the fossil raptor on my 5th or 6th solve. That stupid bug is playing some god-tier level hard to get.

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All you have to do is travel through time, it is not that hard.

I got the qiraji tank pretty fast , still no fossil raptor , its just rng :wink:

Sure, traveling through time is easy, not landing in 1579 on a Tuesday in June is the hard part.

I thought mine was really rare until I sat on it in Stormwind one day and roughly 250* other people mounted theirs and sat with me.

It was more like 350, they clown carred their way inside the gates.

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