Are the Allied races worth it?

I’m currently trying to level to max through dungeons and questing. The problem is I’m missing out on a lot of the story of each zone and/or expansion simply to, ironically, play it again at a slower pace with another race. I’m inclined to think I should just forget the Allied races and play through the game with one of the available races, as best I can (the Winds of Wisdom buff doesn’t make things easy). The only reason I’m doing this is because some of the Allied races have racials that would add a cool new dynamic to a playthrough, not to mention the roleplay potential of certain race:class combos.

Gurgthock say yes.


Yes… but don’t worry about the rep requirements just focus on the other requirements once you get to that stage. The rep requirements are being removed with the new x-pac’s pre-patch in a few weeks / later in September.

And I highly doubt you’d get to exalted before then with majority of them, anyways.


If you like the races that are there, yes.

Most of them have meh racials, but some standout. Void Elves have a good racial for casters.

No honestly.

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Zandalari, Dark Iron, Mag’har and Vulpera are.

The rest are kind of eh.


Any particular reason why?

It is if you’re like me and must have at least 1 of every race on your character list and enjoy leveling alts all the time.

you’ll only need kul tiran

the absolute chads of the alliance

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Little tip, Azeroth Auto Pilot is your best friend when it comes you leveling. You get to see a lot of the story given it avoid dungeon grinding and instead you quest which is actually faster than dungeons.

As for whether their worth it or not that’s up to you, personally I hate level grinding given how much of a bore it is right now. It’s cool at first, then it gets rapidly repetitive and lengthy towards the end of it as when you hit about level 80 it slows down a lot.

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I think so. My horde main is one plus Mag’hars are pretty dope if you ask me. Always wanted an Orc, but don’t like the green ones.

Truth! Here’s mine…

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Their whole concept of a recycle of assets onto a “new race” is just not worth the chores to get them.


Ordinarily, I may have agreed. However, if they really are removing the rep grind, I think I’ll give it a go. The only other requirements seem to involve having a level 110 character and completing the races’ storylines. Both of those requirements will come naturally to me, as I generally enjoy the stories this game has to offer, and leveling will come as a consequence of that.

I love his name.

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Yes and its refreshing playing as something new even if unfortunately they get no new classes since I have like 6 of everything and 1 warrior and 1 shaman both are maghar orcs and look amazing

The legion allied races are pretty easy but also the worst design wise.

But they do have a good amount of story.

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