Are they essentially the same thing?
No. Minotaurs are part human.
they’re more of like an upright cow
Minotaurs are like human cow hybrids, with body of a human but head of a bull or something
Minotaur boss would be cooler tbh.
how dare you sir
Tauren are Blizzard’s spin on Minotuars to reverse the trope, just like they (eventually) did with orcs and goblins. They like messing with classic fantasy ideas.
I will take my Tauren over Minotaur’s any day.
#Tuaren4Life but Minotaurs in other series are not necessarily human?
Worry not! As blizzard continues to expand lore, we’ll eventually find that tauren are the result of cows and humans mating with a little touch of arcane magic.
Blizzard often takes most fantasy concepts and changes them to fit their own game and its world. Tauren are more likely based off minotaurs aka large upright cow type humanoid but at this point taurens have very much become their own thing and are easily identifiable. So the answer is more so a yes and no their concept is based off minotaurs but they are no by any means the same thing.
That’s heavily unrealistic. Minnesotans shag cows all day long irl and I’ve yet to see a Tauren irl.
No. I’m not a dude, I don’t have a freaky queen for a mother and I hate mazes.
Minotaurs have slightly more potential.
Yes, that was the original form, here’s a quick link if curious.
Games and other industries take mythology and spin it often. I don’t mind Tauren at all but if they were called Minotaurs I would slightly? Kinda like how Dragons bug me in Skyrim because they are just misnamed Wyvrens. I dunno, I just get fussy with myth stuff, I shouldn’t since its all just fake but maybe I’m just a fan of ‘cannon’ haha.
Wyvren in WoW don’t bother me though which is odd, maybe because they’ve been taken so far from the source that it works.
That all started in gold Shire
Man they bug the crap out of me. I don’t know how they morphed a manticore into a wyvern.
My brains just odd~ If they were called manticore they suddenly would be an issue… guess i just put a lot on the name.
Eh wow in general has some odd stuff that can mess with you if you know to much about the base fantasy concepts. Big example of this is the chinese dragons in pandria are called wind serpents due to how dragons are explained in the wows lore they cannot be true dragons. That one still messes with me but its just how concepts are changed to fit the games lore (and some restrictions from early development that just effect it to this day.)