Are shamans still getting shafted?

To be fair, soloing on a hunter is probably too easy, but the gap between them is massive.
things i can do on my hunter while eating a sandwich, having a conversation with the mrs, and watching TV on the side monitor are a struggle on the Sham of roughly the same gear level.
The gap shouldn’t be THAT wide.


Like several other players in here, I always hope for the best from my shaman, but ultimately end up main-ing a different class. With the current catch-up mechanics, I’m hoping to gear up mine after a pretty long break.

I really dig the class fantasy behind shamans, and think the visuals have only gotten better over the last decade. The chain spells are some of the most satisfying in the entire game.

On the topic of reminiscing, I miss when I could solo all content in TBC as resto because I was nigh un-killable. With my Earth Shield on, I could tank and kill things faster than my dedicated tank friends. That was so much fun.

Yeah, it’s been a rough road.

Nailed it.


Problem I see with Enhancement Shamans as it was said above we have little survivability in pve mechanics. But we also have delayed utility for ex shamans have a stun in the form of a totem problem is that it takes 3 seconds for it to charge and go off. Other classes have instant stuns, yes we do have an interrupt that is three seconds faster than the other classes.

Another issue is we do have to ramp up our damage, geared right the ramp up is very short. Getting rid of the builder spender will help. But this is just part of our issue.

Tell me when an enhancement has been in the MDI, maybe Ive missed it. It wouldnt be doom and gloom if Shamanistic Rage was still a thing, you should know this. Play a shaman.

Tfw a Shaman whose highest key is 14 is telling a Shaman whose highest key is 20 to play a Shaman.

The unfortunate truth of WoW is that, with the exception of PvP, Enh is fine even in its current state in M+ and Raids, by the look of it. If we’re just talking about getting geared, Enh can do visions (not as mindlessly, but still complete full clears and 5 masks, especially at this point), M+15s (the box gear cap), and heroic raids (probably mythic raids too, but I haven’t looked into performance there).

Most specs don’t make it into an MDI comp, and that’s even more true for a class that has multiple DPS specs.

Really, we need to be staring PvP in the face to help argue for more survivability tools for Shaman.


That sums it up so eloquently. Very few are the times in many expansions where my Shaman feels as powerful as a Warlock or Warrior, very few times.

The problem with Shaman is:

  1. Shaman dps didn’t have the “glory” days of classic. Even videos from back then meme on the fact that Shaman is just a healer class with extra talent trees. The result now is that both specs tend to struggle for identity because every player’s “ideal” shaman differs based on when they started playing.
  2. Shaman have always been at their strongest after an expansion/patch gives them back a bunch of utility. And that lasts for about 1 week before every other class complains about them being OP. Shamans have always been a class with a lot of buttons and when those buttons actually hit better than a wet-noodle the high-end shamans absolutely destroy dps meters and pvp.
  3. The only other class in the game with as many different roles as Shaman is Druid. Paladins and Monks may have a tank spec, but all their specs are melee-based. Only druids actually have to balance melee, ranged, and healing. And druids tend to get meme’d on just as much as shaman (except when resto is the preferred healer)

Ultimately, I blame the community for shaman being as rough as it is. Because when DH or Hunter is OP, everyone just switches to their alt and is OK with it because they just like seeing big dps meters. When Shaman is OP, everyone riots because not everyone has a Shaman alt and because OP shaman creates a problem for 3 roles not just one.