Are shamans still getting shafted?

The issue is being torn between choosing a main (since it seems blizz wants to make having alts as difficult as possible, to make it seem like they are listening when they finally give a little 18 months later), going for shaman, then realizing any of your other characters do better, with less effort, and rarely get rejected in PUGs. No one is saying shaman can’t handle basic content, or low rank progression. The problem is making the wrong choice, then regretting it, or starting over.

I’m having trouble with my three mains (enh in vanilla, ret in BC, and blood, RIP, in wrath, any dps spec now). So I’m going to test the waters with each before I decide to dive in on one.


After 3 years of torturing myself in this manner, i have decided not to roll with Shaman out of the gate.

They have been patching Shaman after launch consistently.


Enhancement shamans had that before our heal was nurfed into the gd ground.



I hate to say it but it looks like frost will also probably be getting patched like shamans.

Agree with you on that one I am an Enh main atm and yea i get rejected for pug mythic +. And now it seems half ask me if i am ele or enh so yea.

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Not really. you might have trouble pugging anything beyond m+15 if you are enh or resto, but really, you shouldn’t be pugging at that point.

Otherwise, shamans are holding their own.

I picked up this dude up for the first time in 8.3, working on re-gearing him.
I gotta say, i feel like smashing my head against a wall.
Nothing i do seems to do damage, RARELY i get a massive crit sundering that makes me top details for a bit, then its back to crappy 40-50k at most in aoe packs…

meanwhile, DHs pressing 2 buttons and topping everything…


Yeah, I find it super frustrating to see how OP demon hunter is and how underwhelming shaman has become. I spent a year getting back into shaman, trying to fine tune it to be a good M+ DPS. Finally gave up and rolled a hunter. The hardest part there, get to 120. Within 2 weeks with a few lucky rolls I was totally out DPSing my shaman. The worst part, the rotation was so much easier.


I agree if we put the most effert and have more rgn in our rotation .just to yeld weak or low results is one core issue shaman has

Just looking at this I can guarantee that you aren’t playing the spec perfectly, or even decently.

I miss the days when you’d pop feral spirits and for that duration you were unkillable thanks to their healing. It was like DH meta


Don’t play shaman at the start of an expansion. Blizzard has had a vendetta against the class ever since TBC. They always release in a very lame, unfinished state, with undertuned dps and weak pvp survivability, and sometimes what feels like a completely unfinished play experience (enhance?) Then, they’ll get patched to viability about halfway through the expansion when the tears finally threaten to drown Blizzard HQ. Just play something else and then switch later.

I’ve learned my lesson several times. Maybe it will be different this time, but I’m not gonna count on it. I’ve got my alternate main already 120 and ready for the expansion.


Its funny that people are getting denied groups being enhance over ele.

ENH > ELE for pug groups in m+.

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it boils down to “it’s a shaman? is it resto? no? skip.” ‘but the ilvl is 150 above what we need’ “yeah, but he won’t do any damage” ‘but his raider IO has him performing perfectly in 15+, we’re only doing a 5+’ “still don’t wanna carry him”

Thats because too many people watch the MDI and think they are competing in one. Every class can perform pre-20s. Ive even taken survival hunters and they performed well. I have yet to see an enhance in a M+ - ever.

The windfury totem in SL is a great beginning, but even that wont get us in groups. Survivability is a huge problem, even on small keys on an easy dungeon shamans get obliterated by a mechanic that only takes a clothie or leather down to half health.

Shamans were a force in Vanilla and havent seen light since. Shamans and DPS Monks havent seen the light since inception, classes that the developers are having a hard time balancing.


that is because of the bus shock event in response to the nerfing in BC, and it’s just been following that vein since

Good to see people are still invested in mostly inaccurate doom-and-gloom.


I dont know about shafted, but… i have tried in each of the last three expansions to go Sham as my main, and every time i end up back on the Hunter. The reason, simple, everything is 10 times harder on the shaman in solo mode.
Group mode Sham, Druid, many other classes way better, but solo, when youre getting beat on, slowed, everything has a cast time etc… it gets supremely frustrating.
They simply dont do enough damage fast enough. Everything has a ramp up, or doesnt hit hard enough, or takes freaking forever to cast.
Just one persons take… if you have a group to run with, they are awesome, if you play alone a lot, its tedious.


This is what i been stuck on hunter vs shaman. Shaman more fun to play rotation wise but omg difference soloing is insane

yes for enhance for the past 2 expacs