Are servers ever actually full?

If you browse through the realm list there are tons of servers that say “full” however you can still create new characters there and transfer to them. The only thing that pops up is that you may experience some wait time to log in.

So they are not really “full” because if they were you wouldn’t be able to transfer there or create new characters. I wonder what determines a “high” pop server vs a “full” server and even for the full servers I have multiple characters on a few of them and have never waited in que to log in except maybe during the first few weeks of an expansion.

I believe “full” means when it hits a certain number of players on the server. So if all of them (or most) were to log on at the same time, such as the start of an expansion, you would get queue times.

If they put the legitimate status of the servers it wouldn’t be a good look, thus the “full” thing.


the low med high beside servers doesnt actually reflect server pop… blizz said that years ago i believe( i knowsaw it on the forums someone where forget where

Blizz would have to answer to get a definitive understanding but I would imagine that a server is “full” when it reaches a certain amount of players and that’s it. I doubt a server can ever have so many players that no one can create players on them.

Full mean in big spike u can be locked out cause there is too many player at the same time. But this game decrease so much that its almost impossible to reach full capacity of the server anymore (They are also merged )

Um, no.

Except for about a month after xpacs release, servers are never full.

Haven’t been for a decade.

I’d be interested in seeing that because of this comment here

This is in regards to classic launch back in 2019

Full, is the defined limits for a certain level of performance. Not the server would literally catch on fire if we tried to have this many people play at once.

at this rate all the servers are gonna have to be merged into a single giga-server :wink:

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It does make me curious what the maximum theoretical capacity for the server is though :thinking: There has to be a limit but maybe it’s like 10 times greater than the population of wow so it doesn’t matter.

:frowning_face: :-1:

If you have to wait to log in it’s full.

During Vanilla and such u could reach it. U had to wait before the logging. Now with merged server and all. The limit is really big

No I mean a true “full” like you can’t even make characters on the server

I dont think it work like that

The ‘‘Full’’ isnt number of character u can create its related to population u can get on a once. Cause there is no limit on how many character u can create. I mean i can have 20 character on 1 server but i can never play my 20 at once so i still count for 1 entry however the amount of character i have

There has to be a limit, maybe a better way to ask the question would be “Using the standard storage setup of a server how many characters can a realm have?” Hard drives have limits but you can of course always add more hard drives so what is the limit prior to adding more storage capacity

Joined a ‘Full’ server (involuntarily) as of last year because of the Dreadmaul to Frostmourne merge.

Have never once actually had to wait to login. Cheaper stuff and more stuff in ah, more guilds. Pretty much it

It’s misleading.
They reworked how/when a server shows ‘full’ ‘high’, ‘med’, ‘low’.

It’s still very misleading 'cause even a ‘full’ server turned out to be pretty ‘med’ on the server I was checking out.

I dont think they work that way. I think its more like a cloud u upload to the server each time. And your account is the hard drives or USBkey or whaterver

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