I was in Azj-Kahet PVPing for a War Crate, when a blood elf priest - faded out of world PVP combat when he was about to die.
This is not the first time that I’ve seen this happen. I’ve seen many different players do this.
A little poking around the internet revealed that there seems to be addons or macros that let players get out PVP combat before dying.
Is Blizzard aware of players using this exploit or hack to save their peers and their pvp 'record?" This may seem trivial to some players, but this has a real effect in-game by denying the victors their honor points in world PVP. Thus, this is cheating/exploiting/hacking to deprive opposing players of their rightfully gained honor points.
What can we do about it?
Pretty sure it’s just follower dungeon abuse, which they should do something about but idk…
didn’t think about that possibility. make a macro queuing for a follower dungeon, and hit it when you start getting into trouble? sounds like a very feasible explanation.
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It’s a thing people abuse in open world PvP it’s become very common unfortunately.
This has been driving me nuts , you shouldn’t be able to enter a dungeon if your in combat. As it is world pvp is hard to find. I wish they would just bring back pvp servers.
I laugh at anybody who does this. It just shows how weak minded they are.
You’re going to want to remove the player name from your post. That’s considered a callout which is a no-no on the forums.
This is such a simple way to easily fix it… But they haven’t. Makes you wonder why?
It’s a macro. People have made reddit threads about it to try to get it the attention it needs to get fixed but Blizzard has ignored it.
There is a way to counter it to an extent but it’s really tedious. Get a friend (or yourself on another account) make a character on their server and make a macro that’s /requestinvite [charname]
They don’t need to accept the request, if they decline just hit the macro again. If they do accept the request, just stay in the group and watch them panic as they try to queue for a follower dungeon. Rinse and repeat, keep doing this until they’re dead. Only bad thing about this is if they ignore the character you gotta make a new one and try again.
I’ll keep this in mind when you try to abuse it
I don’t follower dungeon so wouldn’t work on me. If you wanna stop Bulwark + Hearthstone though get a Magic Banana and slip me with it. 
Keep in mind that’s like an 1-2 hour cooldown or some crap though I think so use it wisely
Does this Follower Dungeon exploit reset your PVP kill count in determining if you become an Assassin and get a bounty placed on your head?
And, if you DO have a bounty on your head, this then let’s you exploit to deny the people who (would have) killed you their rightful bonus rewards…
World pvp is full of exploits to avoid death. I don’t get it. Why be afraid of character death in a game where you can rez?
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Yeah, pretty much going into any instance or hearthing to Dornogal will remove the assassin/bounty. Logging off gets rid of bounty too, but you’ll keep the assassin (if you’re Horde, Alliance seem to not keep assassin after logout)
I’m totally just messing with you lol. I just find you and your shenanigans funny 
Play with me sometime if you want to see more of them lol.
I know people who get actual anxiety symptoms when they get into pvp situations in wow. Even I was nervous going into arena when I first started, for absolutely no reason. Always baffled me. Like why would I feel that way about pvp in wow but in games like CoD it didn’t have the same impact.
Once you play enough that your internal consciousness understands dying is just part of it and no big deal it kind of all goes away but yeah it’s weird.
Understandable. But then, they probably shouldn’t be doing something that causes them stress in the first place.
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