My boy brann just send me a mail saying he misses me and stuff, but I’m not too sure I want to go see him again after all. I hope season2 brings someone more inline with the horde
I still do a bunch.
im sure lots of pressin on but i got ptsd from trinket
hell so i quit early in lol. not all that fun to me but its good for others
Maybe if the tier higher than 8 would give better crest I would be delving again instead of playing Valorant
I still do it for vault but the delves themselves don’t do much for me
Delves themselves
Delves themselves
Boy that’s a fun thing to say.
Delves themselves
alts-enjoyers probably.
mains outgrew delves by now.
yea that’s it. I hope season 2 brings more viability to later tier instead of caping a tier 8. Like better crest and stuff.
If I was the kinda person who actually cared about their alts i would, but i don’t care enough to make them do more than world quests so I can’t really say I delve more than the weeklies on my main make me do.
Yes. I am doing the “Complete all Delves in T11 with Revives remaining”.
But I was lazy this week and imposed on myself to only do Bountifuls.
Four to go! Got my Zekvir ?? already and need 2 stories to finish Glory of the Delve.
I did, I don’t know, 20-something of them a week or two ago across a few characters.
It’s my go-to endgame pillar. I don’t do much group content unless it’s Timewalking or my friends want to do stuff - I’m a solo player by nature.
My Warrior has pretty much done all she can. DK and Monk are close to finished. I’m very slowly plucking away at the Mage. The rest of my characters aren’t level capped yet, but I’m sure I’ll get them there in due time.
You seem semi-casual if I’m not mistaken, would you find it annoying if Blizzard add more rewards at later tier, like past tier 8, or that would turn away casual even more
I still want to get that void ship so when I am done leveling this Drac Mage, I might take him into the delves and finish it out. I am also getting a little bit of a bug for Elite Dangerous so i will try to stay focused!
I did 4 because of the weekly this week. Ive hit season cap and 619 in all slots but 1 ring, trinket and the neck. And those I just need crests to rank up there. So I am as done as I can be, almost. Still need to do Zek?? Just havent done it yet
Yeah, I’ve been running them with my friend since the start of the expansion, at least for the most part.
I’d go as far as I want to until I get bored or sick of doing them. Delves are challenging my skill level to a degree that I continue to find them engaging.
Waxface is annoying, and Skittering Breach is probably my least favorite delve overall. I dislike the underwater ones because they play havoc on depth perception and spatial awareness.
I imagine if I find myself bored enough that I’ll do T9+ for the heck of it.
Delves gives gives me increased freedom to play how I want to, while also giving me the opportunity at better gear. It also gives me the opportunity to play roles or specs that I wouldn’t normally play - TWW is the first time since WoD that I’ve played a Prot Warrior as my main character, or one that I would consider a “main” character.
If Blizzard ever added delves in the old world, I’d do them in a heartbeat because I’ve always loved exploring the world. There’s crypts and caves all over Kalimdor and the Eastern Plaguelands. I’d love to explore the whole game again like this if they were able to dedicate resources to it.
Yep. I have one level to go till Brann hits 60. I do wish we could choose Alleria for our Delve instead. Enough with the dwarves, for crying out loud.
All the time. My favorite new feature, maybe ever.
i got six more characters that need their xmogs so yeah
Not really since I got hooked on M+ but that’s mostly because healing is a somewhat useless playstyle in delves.