Yesterday I tuned into Savix’s Twitch stream (prominent WoW PvPer) to watch him play this game on the Russian client and the game looks fantastic to me. It’s a top-down MMOARPG, so think Diablo with more of a group focus. Dungeons, raids, arenas (with rated solo queue!), objective-based PvP, the whole nine. The combat looks really visceral and gratifying too with a nice variety of classes/subclasses.
Some classes do appear to still be gender locked but they’re gradually changing that from what I understand. There are also pay-to-win concerns in the East but Amazon is the game’s NA publisher and they’ve stated that will not be the case here.
Here’s Savix’s first impressions:
The game looks to be very popular in the regions that it’s currently available in. Do you think it will be in the west too?