Are people excited for the BWL Mythic Plus?

Im hearing ALOT of negative feedback from raiders and fellow guild members about the trials of the flights and how we just really dont wanna have multiple raid difficulties again

I don’t wanna live in an echo chamber but these “affixes” you tag onto to BWL for what i assume is more loot/cosmetics feels so very much like SoD is sprinting away from classic raiding

People went through MC because we hoped BWL wouldn’t have this nonsense but I’m getting raiders sending me their 2 weeks notice because we’re just not interested in a modular raid difficulty

So my question is this, Are you and your raiders going to do BWL and are you looking forward to the Mythic Plus aspect of it

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I, and my guild, love difficulty levels. Thanks!

increased difficultly should be based on Mechanics, and standing where your suppose to stand, Not a Gold/Fire resist check.
Herding my guildie’s into getting 199 Fire resist was actual cancer.


So they’re quitting due to content they’re not required to participate in? lol