Are people "cheating" with Mass Dispels?

I can’t tell you the amount of times I’m doing something like… Wintergrasp… and I might even sneak up on a big battle going on, I come in from behind, someone noticed me and threw a CC on me, trinket is down so I bubble, and some Priest that was busy casting heals on someone about to die will INSTANTLY Mass Dispel me with his back still turned to me. And I’m talking, like, some 40v40 going on.

Like, this happens almost every time. Occupied, busy people, dropping whatever they’re doing in order to snipe a MD on me, wherever I am, the instant I use it, before I can even get another GCD out. Like, even in the middle of WG chaos. Bubble is kind of subtle, too. It just seems kinda sus to me… Or maybe the entire WoW community are all just former pro CSGO players???

Anyone else feel like this happens a lot?

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It’s probably an addon that instantly alerts them to use mass dispel.

Might it even tell them where to do it?

Most people are not playing in first person mode so yeah it’s pretty normal for them to see what’s going on around them.


That wasn’t really my point though. I know people are paying attention to things around them, but when you’re focused on healing a 40v40, you still have things coming up behind you that you don’t know about.

I knew someone was gonna say this, lol.

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Yeah probably addon marks you will a skull and they get an audio queue to mass dispel.

WA does everything these days

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Lol addon

It’s a script and a popular one that can be configured to many spells.

It saw a lot of use in wrath with the Living bomb spell, super obvious if you’re preceptive even in the slightest :money_mouth_face:

If blizzard actually cared to invest into their Anti cheat it would get picked up fast

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Its just a simple mouse over macro, it ain’t that deep

Congratulations, you had an encounter with the PVP Baneto Bot…

When I dabbled in priest PvP you can bet I would keep track of paladins around me and be ready to MD, sometimes I would start spamming MD if I saw a paladin dropping to low health or was stuck in CC because 9/10 times they press bubble. With max distance on camera is pretty easy to see everything around you and if I remember correctly you can cast MD without turning around. All that said they might have a weakaura that tells them that an enemy paladin used bubble.

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Yeah, I’d like to mention that I cannot overstate the whole… “I don’t even have time to spend a GCD on another ability before it’s removed” part.

mass dispel is one of those play making abilities. People will always be hyper aware of its uses because its super rewarding to pull off on a block/bubble.

Like thunder storming people off a edge, life gripping a person that has been knocked. Sapping someone off a cc train when combat drops etc

Also to add in a big siege battle mass dispel can strip off alot of pressure with 1 button press so you might of just got unlucky on a priest helping clear debuffs

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If people have a pvp ui its really easy. I use gladiatorloa that calls out a divine shield and my nameplates on enemies shows when bubble. I also use @cursor macro so i don’t have to click, just hover over and press spell and bam, insta MD on bubble/block

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There could be a addon called nameplate buffs or big buffs that literally shows on your nameplate that you bubbled…

same thing that auto sheeps me the millisecond i powershift to clear a root my dude, scripting/bot/whatever you wanna call it, something that allows inhuman reactions

I Hex druids all the time because i know they don’t react to me purging their buffs, same as resto it is pretty obvious when a druid HAS to come out to normal form, this isnt a bot or scripting.

Good priests actually heal more in 40 mans just spamming mass dispel, which is likely what was happening and he just happen to bubble when it went off.

Its not cheating. Its called being a good disc priest.

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While there are dispel and interrupt bots in PvP and have been for years, it’s also perfectly reasonable for a priest to almost instantly remove it without cheating as well. Sometimes you’re watching a pally you expect to bubble and are ready to remove it. It only has a 0.5 second cast time when glyphed. You could also have a weakaura or other addon easily alert you when someone bubbles. You could have bubble highly emphasized in a nameplate addon as well to make it easier to see where they are.

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I had people in heroic dungeons with auto kicks.

Apparently really easy to get away with this in classic I guess

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