Are people actually upset over blizz BLM stance?

Ralph actually hates HK supporters. It’s sad.

Pretty sure they own like 5% shares within the company. But hey money is money. They want to tap into that China market.

they are destroying american cities with rioting and looting. so yes i do

I feel sorry for the people of hk. They are trapped but fortunately the UK will give many a chance at citizenship so they can escape.

So Ralph hates freedom? Why am I not surprised?

“Get woke go broke” has been proven true precisely never.

I’ve had him on ignore for awhile so I’ll just choose to believe this since I can’t see the rebuttal. :nail_care:

Gillette is probably a good example of doing things incorrectly IMVHO.

Who would ignore Ralph? That’s like ignoring Michael from the office.



The easy part of this whole thing is that the mods can go ahead and nuke anyone against BLM with authority, from orbit because the only reasons to be against something as simple as a statement that support BLM and nothing else is because you’re ignorant and loud, racist and loud, or both.

And either way the game is better off without you.

Let them make a statement and keep your beliefs hidden in the closet where they belong if you actively want to be on the wrong side of history.

it’s incredibly sad. it seriously is. these people are trapped and we are are watching it happening in real time. it’s being broadcasted. these people are being taken away to literal concentration camps. it’s insane.

and ralph actually has to troll on this. it’s just nuts. how the hell this pathetic trash isn’t banned is just beyond me.

Don’t forget SW franchise too.

Well, I can only assume he/she does because they completely ignored that in the post I made and went off on some unknown discussion.

I was a little kid when the Berlin Wall fell. It feels like old lessons will have to be learned the hard way…again. :frowning:

Welcome to Communist China, enjoy no freedom and “rehabilitation camp” if you don’t conform.

Clarification: do you mean Star Wars, the franchise whose last three flagship films have been financially the most successful in the franchise’s history, and that have garnered fairly positive critical acclaim amidst a very vocal minority of angry fans?

Or do you mean the Samurai Warriors games? If it’s the latter, you’re going to have to explain.

yea, same. it’s incredible. I feel so helpless reading the news. China touches so many aspects of our lives. We need to take action but the how is a tough topic.

and get your organs harvested in the process.

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Don’t forget the fall of the ghostbusters franchise too.

Communist China is a really evil government, they killed millions at the start of the system and are continuing to do it now.

For some reason China idolizes Mao Zedong which is insane.