Are Orcs faster/more athletic?

I have a poster of that hanging in my office.

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Thanks for the responses so far! What is it about Asia/the Orient that makes Pandaren smarter than humans? And why haven’t orcs progressed from mud huts?

Stronger for sure, not so sure about faster/more atheltic Orcs have a heavy lifter build and a bulk that would probably work against them to a degree in terms of mobility. But orcs definitly win in terms of strength and endurance,

This part is definitly true, while there are some orcs who are likely smarter than some humans, on adverage humans are smarter.

I question this part heavilly
 more spiritual than humans sure but
 they don’t exactly seem very smart

Not to mention just higher gravity

even if you count Jaina and Khadgar, they are not even close to Azshara or Elisande.
Since comparing the best to the best seems more fair.

But yeah magic is literally a part of elves, they all need magic just to exist they are just inately attuned to it way more so than humans.

Wrong, Pandaren are superior to all. I may not look it, but underneath all this fur I am an absolute unit.


I don’t think Pandaria is a 1-1 with real life Asia, IRL Asian countries tend to value hard work and ordered social structures like families. WoW’s Pandaren are more like pre-industrial Asian countries where it’s just as orderly but less
work work work!

I have no comment

Herne.EXE has stopped working

It’s like if a pudding and concrete factory had a baby.

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Op, that is a good question,I would guess it depends on which orc and when,where? We could go the scientific route on this one but it would more likely bore people .

Me who forgot what day it is:
Its a glass of pizza

I mean a buff panda Is not a bad thought too


brb, going to punch an orc in the face

Do Orcs have more fast-twitch muscle fibers than humans?

They move slower than humans, so idk.
But they do love eating pork, so maybe they are more protein then fiber?

The slowest one is Kul Tiran human that’s for sure.

Orcs are physically stronger. Humans have superior armor and weapons. The casters are pretty even but draw their power from different sources of magic. That’s basically how it was in the RTS.

WoW classes are balanced so one race doesn’t have an advantage over another.

A much bigger, more muscled Orc Warrior wearing heavier armour should be slower but more powerful than a female Blood Elf Warrior. That’d restrict the latter to more agile classes rather than get smashed, however this wouldn’t work from a game play point of view so it’s rather a meaningless discussion.