Are Orcs faster/more athletic?

Neurological meaning having to do with neurology, the study of the brain, the mind.
And mental, meaning of or relating to the mind or specifically the total emotional and intellectual response of an individual to external reality.
Hence, mental disorder.

Yes, however that doesn’t make it not a disorder.
Disorder meaning a physical or medical malfunction, malfunction being synonymous with dysfunction, dysfunction meaning a failure to function in an expected or complete manner.

I dunno, guess the forum gods just decided to delete it.

Yes, in the ancestral environment.

Actually, it does. It is the only thing that makes it a disorder, in fact.

Autism isn’t a malfunction, it’s a type of function. This is part of why Autism is considered a spectrum.

That’s the only environment. Everything humans have built is temporary.

Cavemen aren’t only in the past.

Cavemen are the future.

It’s all gonna burn. :wink:

Oh, let’s absolutely get the Mensa people in here.

There is no group more fun to troll.

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Then explain to me why it is called autism spectrum disorder.

ASD is not autism, ASD is a disorder based on a certain state of autism.

e.g. Asperger’s.

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Alright, so we were just talking about two different things then.

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Most likely! I was going to mention Asperger’s when Livia mentioned people being a danger, but there’s a lot of unknowns about Autism and ASDs both, so I opted not to because I am not qualified to give a real opinion on them, even if I have one of my own.

Since we’re on the subject, I’ll put out a disclaimer for anyone that is nuts enough to read through all of this. There is also some misinformation about Autism in that people think everyone is autistic, but that’s not quite right. You either are or aren’t, but when you are, you’re on a spectrum for autism. Beyond that, diagnoses focus on ASDs because just saying someone is autistic isn’t an actionable diagnosis.

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Honestly, these days you might as well throw your hat into the ring.
With the internet everybody has access to information on just about everything, and for some people the best way to learn is to experience things and make mistakes.
As long as you’re not a doctor performing surgery, of course.

Usually I’d really go for the same stance, but I’m uncomfortable making a claim, for example, that Asperger’s in a vacuum isn’t dangerous… because realistically, all I’m doing is assuming that problems from people with Asperger’s stem from either misdiagnosis or extenuating circumstances due to them having Asperger’s. If that makes sense.

Pandas smarter than humans? They were living on the back of a turtle and did not even know… Smarter…

What amuses me most about this, is that with as much information as people actually have at their finger tips in a modern information age, for some people to still be as ignorant and incorrect as they are most of them pretty much HAVE to be trying to be willfully ignorant…

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You have to figure in Bloodlust or whatever it’s called with the demonic blood. They pretty much lose their mind to go into a blind rage of sorts and will just run head long into arrows and whatnot. I think only Grom, RIP great hero of the Horde, was able to break it but it’s been a long time since I kept up with WoW lore being that it is constantly being retconned.

They are stronger though. The strongest human cannot wield the weapons the orcs do. I think Wrynn (?) might have been able to but he had a wolf God or something in him. Without that there is no way he could. greatest orc is stronger then greatest human. Greatest human is stronger then orc peons and maybe equal to normal orcs.

As for faster, I’d probably give it to humans. Orcs might be faster in a straight on run but not zig zagging and dodging except maybe some rare instances. Humans get the dodging speed while orcs get the running speed. Weapons I’d say they are probably equal.

All just my two cents which isn’t even worth that.

To each their own.

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In present wow, no race can be anything more than other.
We live in a time in which admiting or saying you have strengths is considered wrong, even if it is true.
If chimps were considered a race of man, the fact that their muscles and bones afford around 5x the strength of us and if a chimp of the same weight is put in a room with the best fighter and understand one of them only will exit alive, the chimp will be the one leaving, and not long after entering, all that NEVER could be said, and instead, “everyone is equal”, and “everyone is the same” and obligatory “human exiting representation” would be needed, claimed and protested on. No matter how much our ability to run is better, our ability to use fine motor control , or anything. If we mention it instead, then we would be the ones doing “racism”. And the “chimp lives matter” would run over everyone.

I can only point that out because chimps are not considered in the same level as us, for some reason, and therefore I can say that.

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The DSM-5 is already outdated. Autism research has come a long way since people realized that Autism$peaks is a hate group dedicated to eugenics and the elimination of autistic people, and subsequently started supporting other organizations to further research and awareness.

Today, we understand a lot of things about the brain we didn’t understand even a couple of years ago. For one thing, no brain is well-ordered. The notion that we have an orderly mind is a fallacy. Our minds are chaotic places full of random thoughts and fragmented signals and the only reason anyone imagines that they think in an organized fashion is because their own nature is the standard that they have set for “orderly” or “normal.”

That’s something people have discussed for centuries, but now we are able to see how brains chemically function, and it’s a mess.

So, really, nothing is a disorder per se.

When the DSM-VI comes out, it will likely remove the term “disorder” from any diagnosis, as there is no expectation of order to begin with. “Divergence” might be a better term to use, because there is a standard pattern of neurological chaos, and many of the conditions outlined in the DSM indicate a deviance from that standard pattern.

The DSM-IV considered Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism separate things, and until 1973, homosexuality was considered a pathological disorder.

Essentially, if you’re going to play around with psychology, you need to be extremely flexible and open-minded about what you think you know, because our understanding of the mind and the human experience is constantly evolving, and the evolution of psychology happens rapidly.

Over the course of a couple of weeks, something as complex and demonized as schizophrenia could come to be understood as something completely different than we thought. It could change what we call schizophrenic people, how we treat them, and what society does to offer them support.

The same is true of any and all conditions.

Rigid thinking is for lawyers, not psychologists. It serves no one in this context.


Gnomes. Gnomes are clearly the best here.

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“I say, someone screwed up and the glass is TOO BIG.”

-George Carlin


Humans are the slowest weakest race in the game. All other races are faster and stronger.

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One thing I think people forget is that in WoW Gnomes and Dwarves are technically as strong per inch as larger races… like ants. Male Dwarves have the same strength stat as a Tauren under the old stat charts.

It’s cause you’re taking all that mass normally spread out over a bigger area and condensing it to be smaller and denser.

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Lorewise gnomes could probably takeover Azeroth with their inventions, but have opted for less sinister things. Seriously.

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