Are one shot mechanics fun?

No. They necessitate add-ons, which are a cancer on this game. Its either in the UI, or it shouldn’t be allwoed.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :rofl: :rofl:
I love this one.
“oh…you think your just running thru that Circle of death? …ROOOOT…haha”

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I’ve had plenty of gripes with the game over the years, but I don’t think the raids have ever been on of them. Most of them have been pretty well-designed, imo. I’m genuinely interested to hear your ideas on how they could improve.

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I’m not a raid designer the raid is really fun however

Vigilant guardian - don’t stand in hexagon
Skolex- don’t stand in swirl
Xymox - don’t stand in trap
Halondrus- don’t stand in earthquake circle
Sausage - don’t stand in black circle
Pantheon - don’t stand in red circle/blue tornado/line of animals
Lihuvim - don’t stand in bombs
Anduin - don’t stand in downstairs blue swirly
Rygelon- actually good but still copied from algalon
Dread- don’t stand in purple circle
Jailer- don’t stand in defile (copied from lich king)

They are creatively bankrupt


When you die from it you learn to avoid it next time. Best way of learning.

In group content, no. Especially not when it’s irrecoverable. Not when 19 other people are dependent on you to be completely coordinated.

The math is kind of rough though. It’s gear vs mechanics vs overall time. A lack of gear should require perfection, but obtaining gear should allow for mistakes. If it’s a pure one-shot mechanic, I’d say it defeats the purpose of RPG mechanics.

Besides, all that stuff is mind numbing after a while. Players need to be able to not be sober/unfocused.

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They’re alright.

If they’re not complicated to dispell e.g. Anduin.


I typically don’t have a problem with them, because if you are doing the mechanics they aren’t really a problem. They are more like a friendly way to point out to raid leaders who actually knows the fight and who doesn’t.

If it is something solo like Mage Tower I’m ok with it because I can only blame myself and my performance… Group content, no I don’t like it. Because not everyone is at the same level of play… specially those of us who are in normal/heroic only content. If you guys want it in mythic, have at it.

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Look I am fine with 1 shot mechanics but they really need to be cut and dry on where they end and the safe zone begins none of this 2-3 yards of ambiguity.

In addition if the devs want to use 1 shots (which again I am fine with) they need to give up their fetish of making things the same damn color as the surrounding areas for example there is a lot of purple things in de other side so what color do they make the thing I have to avoid? Also purple… They could pick any other color but they choose to also make it purple

Same with all the venthyr stuff being red spells I have to dodge that are overlayed on a red themed floor and wall and background…


They usually are broadcasted very clearly, so I’m fine with it. If it was random then nah, but they usually don’t just come out of nowhere.

Most of the time it’s fine, sludgefist as melee was not fine. That’s was a horrid experience and I almost loathed doing him when it was progression for us.

I mean, kind of, yeah. If you mess up and die instantly then that’s fine.

Depends. They’re okay as long as you have a set raid group and said raid group doesn’t have That One Guy.

Just ranting here. I ran into this issue in FF with P2S. The raid leader told me the ordeal and the two colors were blue or purple for different positioning.

Seriously art/raid team? Dark blue and dark purple? Who in their right mind?

Thankfully the icons are geometrical as well. pyramids and cubes, which I also have a hard to discerning apparently…

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Mechanics ARE the fight. Doing X damage in Y time… that isn’t anything. A target dummy isn’t content. Mechanics that create player experiences are the content.

Mechanics are the vegetables in your vegetable soup. There’s some kind of broth in there but without the vegetables that broth is just… nothing. It’s water. Obviously if you have too many vegetables that don’t compliment each other it can turn into the mess but this idea that you just “sprinkle” what is the actual meal… lol.

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I love them. If that dragon breathes fire on you, you should be dead. From an immersion perspective, they’re great.

They also help to stop complacency. If you get one-shot because you weren’t paying attention, the onus is on you to avoid that mechanic. If it only does half your health? Now the onus shifts to the healers to keep you alive through avoidable damage.

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“Muh damage downs”.

I actually hate damage downs the more I think about it. Losing 2 minutes from now because someone screwed up right now feels bad. I’d rather the entire raid just blow up if that’s going to be the case, let me know I failed now so I can try again more quickly.

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Depends on the rest of the encounter and the mechanic itself. If it’s like a 3+ second charge frontal cone/cleave with no other mechanics to worry about it’s fine. If it is a 700 mechanic fight with lasers shooting, balls rolling by, mines on the floor, etc and I still have to dodge that one shot mechanic then no, my anxiety would not appreciate that lol.

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That sounds sick. A bit derivative of Painsmith but I’d play it.