Are old raids coded to never drop tier pieces of your class?

Just started doing some tmog running. I did all 3 types of Nighthold, Antorus, and Tomb of Sargeras. That’s 9 full raids. I didn’t get a single piece of warrior tier loot. Zillions of pieces for every other class.

Am I doing something wrong?

Am I supposed to trade these somehow? Is there a way to transfer them across my account at least? This is kinda miserable.

Its 100x easier to get season 3 dragonflight tier pieces than it is old pieces I only want for tmog.

It really comes down to RNG.
I have cleared all tier pieces on a class in 3 weeks, minus one piece of tier for that class that took 16 weeks.

You can just as easily get them all in 1-2 runs.
5 months to finish.

Nothing you can really do to alter your chance outside multiboxing multiple characters for more tier at a time.


Trust me fam, ive been playing since Vanilla and their are pieces from old content i will still try and farm and they just wont drop, even after adjusting the loot drop spec. Better learn to mog without relying on getting the complete set. An example is WOD HM Raid, FINALLY got a helm ive been farming since WoD came out, only this evening

Better learn to mog without relying on getting the complete set.

What do you mean?

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Yeah, I’m still trying to get a 10m ICC piece to complete my set for my Shaman and it refuses to drop. Sometimes RNG just isn’t your friend.

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Well he said he is farming an old tier set, cant be for end game, so its for mogging. So if your goal was to mog an entire rare set and your having difficulty getting all of the items in the set, look for replacement pieces as you might end up with a better mog. Not trying to cap on anyone, just giving options to a frustrating situation