Are Non Roleplayers Welcome?

Hello :slight_smile:

I am not an rper. I would not even know where to start. I am respectful of other’s choice to RP. I am usually a pretty quiet person, try to help out where and when I can. I have just found that the general personality of RP realms seem to be very pleasant with a strong sense of community.

I have played on normal servers and I am just tired of the toxic environment. I have made a couple of amazing friends in the time I have played WoW, right now they are all taking a break from the game which leaves me searching for my people. :slight_smile:

I am 44, I have a family, I work 40 hours a week and…well my playstyle can best be described as derpy. I am just looking for a casual, laid back, friendly, fun environment.


Hi! There are plenty of people that play on ED that do not RP. Most are here for the WPvP and the (at one time before sharding) balanced factions. We at Kill Order are a pvp guild and focus on all things pvp. We have some fun events as well. We re casual and friendly if you would like to give us a look or talk to us in game! We have a lot of members that work and have families including Co-GM :wink:


Some of us say no, a lot of us did prior, and some of say sure come along!

Personally, I and quite a few others would love for you to come on over and try RP. Dip your toes in it, see how you like it, get a feel for how and why we do things. RP severs have such a strong sense of community because the RPers have to get along with each other, they have to form those communal bonds to even make our aspect of the game feasible. Without community, without reaching out to other players and making something, RP just would not, and could not, happen.

Roll an alt, join the various discord and communities we have, and get a feel for it all.


As a fellow non-rp’er I have found the server to be very welcoming, plenty of people here won’t look down on you because you don’t rp as long as you are respectful. Some guilds are heavily rp centered, some are all about that p̶o̶t̶a̶t̶o̶ cough world pvp and some are a casual mix of both. Just find a good home, and as Abrahof said, dip your toes in it!

I am in wpvp guilds and I also have toons in Alliance and Horde RP guilds and all have been welcoming. I RP a little bit but do use TRP3 on all my characters as I like how it’s fleshes then out.

You are welcome here and RP guilds do what other guilds do with the mix of RP. I’d jump in get your feet wet, most are happy to help you get comfortable with it. Even the WPVP guilds do a little.

On the Alliance side I can recommend the Ashen Vale, Clan Battlehammer (my Alliance guild - amazing people , been in a while now, all Dwarf), Drunken Fisherman do a bit of everything and awesome officers and Coldridge Company.


What’s your RP backstory?


What’s your RP backstory?

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What’s the worst that could happen?

ok, what’s the second worst thing…and try not to be so graphic this time.

Since “no” isn’t enough characters to post a reply for some dumb reason I’m forced to include pointless words in order to make my response long enough to be able to post it.

Welcoming non rp players now? Wow.

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No. Go away.

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Most players, on this server at least, don’t participate in roleplay. I’d go a step further and wager most players here who think they are roleplaying are doing it wrong.

So, I’d say that, probably, the reality is non-roleplayers are more accepted, whereas actual roleplayers are tolerated but often seen as odd.

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You sound like the majority of our guild. Our motto is RL (Real Life) first always and we just like to relax and have a good time. Our main focus is RP and WPvP though but we are mainly a social guild.

You don’t have to RP with us, we just like to hang with good people most importantly. You’re welcome to try us out and see if we are a good fit. GL!


This is a good server for you.

Hostile non-rpers took over the server and drove out the last respectable bastion on rppvpers this once great server had.

Any ragamuffin can set up home here now. Enjoy the swamp.

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I wouldn’t pay much attention to the negative nancies on the forums - there’s plenty of respectful non-RPers on ED. Most of the non-RP guilds are dipping their toes into the RP scene and it’s been a huge boon to the server.

Several of the community guilds have both RPers and non-RPers in their ranks, and serve as a good bridge for folks who are new to the server or are shy about trying to RP. Sometimes it’s a lack of interest, but other times it’s because they aren’t really sure what it’s about or how it works.

Some are also met with unwarranted hostility and elitism, but for the most part in-game you’ll find the community is quite welcoming and accommodating when you get off the forums and actually get in-game.

As an example, The Ashen Vale and Salty Sea Doggos are both welcoming/accepting of RPers and non-RPers alike, while there’s others like mine who only accept RPers but will take you even if you’ve never even RPed once in your life - as long as you are willing to learn from us.


While i lothe to say it, non rpers are the majority here, but they are not kododung heads to us RPers as they were in the past. Quite frequently i see non rpers scoping out our RP events not participating but there incase of Horde attack (so they went feom leeches to kinda protective)

So i would say you’re welcome here, but be a decent peraon ingame (we keep the evil side on twitter)


Beware, non-Rper.

They’re watching.


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All are welcome on ED. I would suggest getting into RP-PVP. It is fun. ED is a server like no other.