Are NELF Shadow Priests worthless?

You can bait kicks with Starshards, get back to your body faster in world PvP situations when you die and recovering from a death while eating/drinking in Shadowmeld are all the advantages you’ll get

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Dwarf is just so much better that it is griefing to go night elf. However, meld some have some pvp applications.

when you play night elf priest, you are choosing beauty over utility :expressionless:

with debuff limit removed, you can guilt-free add dps with starshards on raid bosses :expressionless: also when you use them on something like onyxia, the starshard graphic is massive. fun to look at.


It’s trash compared to dwarf.

Don’t let the copers give you bad advice.

They are the best for alliance pvp if you ask me. That shadowmeld+drink macro will save your ars in lot of crazy situations.

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You look the best and that’s what matters.

I think making a macro, using a keybind and being aware of when combat drops is beyond the average wow pvper. So they’ll never understand how useful shadow meld is.

Wisp form and shadowmeld drinking are underrated features.


My main is a Nelf SPriest on Era, nope I love it. Best.

Imagine not being a sick as heck undead priest?

They are good at watching flags in arathi basin. That’s about it other than a little trolling.

It’s not that NElf priests are “bad”, it’s just that the racial priest spell they get is not really that great when compared to Dwarf Fear Ward.

A dwarf with Fear Ward and proper boss addons like DBM, BigWigs and LittleWigs can time their FW just right so that every major fear is blocked, if you’ve got more than one dwarf priest. So even though SPriests aren’t exactly top tier DPS, they’ll often get a raid invite for one of the last few DPS spots in a raid just for their utility from FW alone. Think about it, which would you rather have in a raid? A NElf that can self-stealth has a meh AoE and a small damage reduction spell, or a Dwarf who can completely negate an entire boss mechanic, and has a rad free self heal?

Shadowmeld DOES have its uses. It’s especially good if you’re in a raid/dungeon and can somehow get yourself away from the action when a wipe is coming, OCCASIONALLY it’ll glitch and treat you as being out of combat for the purpose of shadowmeld (it’s very rare, I’ve had it happen maybe 3% of the time in classic) and you can save the raid by waiting until everyone is down, then rezzing people who also have rez first so you can get everyone up faster. I mean, it’s still a wipe and still incurs durability loss, but it’s nice to save a lot of time of everyone running back if you can get one of those 3% shadowmelds to fire off in PVE.

In PVP, if you don’t recognize the utility of Shadowmeld straight away without even thinking about it, yikes. I think you need to go watch some beginner PVP videos or something and go back to learn the fundamentals. In PVP NElf priests are great. Wisp and shadowmeld are very useful and the nature resistance helps more than people realize against things like rogue poisons.

Nelf priest trash in pvp because dwarf exists.

Nelf bis for PvP mc ambushing. In particular at blackrock mountain or bridge in winterspring.

Shadow priests are just worthless.