Are model swap mods allowed?

Would a mod that changes the client’s bear and cat form models to the ones introduced in Wrath of the Lich King be allowed or could I get permabanned for it? I’m only looking for facts and hopefully a link to a blue post about it, though I know it’s inevitable that someone will say go back to retail even though I haven’t played since Cata. I didn’t think they were allowed at first but I’ve seen people in general saying they’re using mods for their character’s appearance.

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It is not allowed.


There was something about that…
As a matter of fact, a thread was created for the sole purpose of model swapping, with an answer you may not like.

The best I can say is that Blizzard was pretty picky about those, and one guild was in trouble (but not banned) for it. Changing in-game files is pretty severe.


and the reason it is not allowed is it effects gameplay directly. Making your dwarf a tauren gives him the hitbox advantage, etc.

That’s not how any of that works.


That’s not how model mods work. They only changes the visuals for the person installing the mod.


Yes it is how it works. You are sending info to the server.

Sure guy. It is why it is bannable.

All distance checks for combat are verified by the server. Change your client hitbox to 1000 yards won’t allow people to hit you from that far.


Smells like a case of razorfen downs


Thank you Akazzi and Zykros for the responses. While I adore the WotlK models, I can still live with the vanilla ones. While they dont provide any gameplay advantages I know that they change game files in ways add-ons don’t. Just wasn’t sure what the policy was for it. If anyone has a link to the thread about the guild Zykros mentioned I’d very grateful, though.

Modifications can provide advantages.

For example, you can make herbs/ore turn into giant mountains so they’re really easy to find and click.

Once we have bgs, you can make the flag really big, so it’s easier to locate the EFC from the opposite side of the map.

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Yup. I knew those mods were possible, I just didnt know if blizz cared about what the mod actually did or was just doing a blanket ban on any type, even the ones that didn’t give advantages. Obviously it would take more effort to filter out the different types when bringing down the hammer.

You’re not sending character model data to the server - that’s ridiculous. It’s bannable because you’re messing with their files and they don’t like that.


Blizzard makes the rules and they say not allowed. Either follow their rules like you agreed to or they kick you out. Pretty simple.

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Someday I hope we can get a Classic WoW with modern models but old animations where we can toggle between the two, like what happened briefly when new models came out.

The toggle would display all models as new or old for the player.

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No it’s not. It being banned has nothing to do with that.

Blizzard bans it because the player is forcibly charging the way the character model is perceived by the user. Nothing more.

It does not change your hitbox.

Every single other player still sees you as your original model.


I don’t see why it would be bannable.
Way back in vanilla one of the most popular add-ons, was a nudity add-on for player models and sucubi
It changed the models and wasn’t a bannable addon.
Changing a bear to a high resolution bear doesn’t sound any different then changing a bra to a high resolution breast


just read what you just wrote there…

It’s exploitable so it’s a big no no.
Iirc that helped to kill the last boss of naxx by circumventing some boss.