Are mmos a dying breed of games?

MMORPGs are the best, and WoW is the best one ever.

GTA 5 and DotA 2 are only a little bit old.

Minecraft is a sandbox game in a way that WoW has never been and probably could never be. Also another difference between WoW and those games is that WoW has a subscription fee and not every kid can get their mom to pay the fee like I did when I was 12 years old

At the bottom right there’s a snapshot of WoW: Shadowlands with Sylvanas on the picture. :slight_smile:

huh? on your screenshot 4 of those games are MMOs.

I think there is an argument to be made about MMOs dying. Not because there isn’t an audience for them but because all current MMOs suck. There isn’t a single one that is good.

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dota is older than wow. Dota 2 isnt but dota 2 is a direct port of dota, the only difference are graphics.

If you’re just noticing now then you must be pretty new to the forums.

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3 of the top 10 games being played on Steam right now are MMOs or MMO-lites. In China, several of the top PC games are MMOs, such as Fantasy Westward Journey Online 2. Twitch isn’t a great measure of what’s going on in Asia, and, obviously, that’s where most people on Earth live. Diablo 2 Resurrected is one of the most played games in Korean gaming cafes right now, but the Twitch numbers wouldn’t suggest that either.

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I would say no, generally.

It’s sort of like, “Here’s what’ll keep you entertained while we all mourn the fact that it’s 2021 and there’s still no WoW 2, no next gen super cool hyper realistic amazing mmo games the likes of which we thought we’d be drowning in by now”

No, MMOs are not dying. In fact they’re probably in their best state in years because WoW is no longer just sucking the oxygen out of the room and forcing everyone else to shamelessly copy them. Now MMOs are starting to branch out and do new things, cater to different groups.

A single big identifier of this current MMO paradigm is that WoW is the only one that makes raiding its most important aspect. Raiding isn’t the key point of ESO, Guild Wars 2, or FFXIV. It exists in most of those games but it isn’t the key selling point.

MMOs realized around 2014 the way forward was to copy WoW as little as possible. WoW’s fall from a dominant and undeniable first place it held for years is beginning to show the cracks of the old paradigm. The games keeping up with WoW in the MMO genre are games that are nothing like that game.

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DotA was a WC3 mod, not a standalone game, so DotA 2 was still totally new to people who didn’t play WC3. Also PvP games naturally have more longevity anyway

Going by the twitch audience of adderall-stained college kids and kids with a 1-2 second attention span isn’t really a good sample. People will play MMOs - they even still play Everquest and OG Runescape.

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People don’t like to watch them they like to play them instead.

Given the rise of the FFXIV and the surprise success of New World, I’d say MMOs are healthier now than they’ve been in a while. Don’t know if those two will last, but for the longest time, it was mostly WoW standing atop a small mountain of defeated and mostly dead (some still twitching) competitors. You had a few bubble up here and there, but not even the likes of StarWars or LotR really proved much of a challenge to WoW.

Honestly? It’s a good thing. WoW should have something to kick it in the butt and drive progress and investment.

So… is the MMO genre dying? Ultimately, no, or at the very least, less so now than in recent memory.

FFXIV definitely will because it set itself up around dedicated fans and grew over time. New World was a hyped to hell game from the start and now that there’s trouble in paradise with people realizing it’s pretty hollow and the numerous exploits that keep happening on top of a number of gold dupes breaking the economy that they disabled trading so it’s not going to last.

New World could have survived if the exploits didn’t exist and it was expedient at getting out new content, the exploits throw that into question. It has a good foundation but without a hard reset down the line to remove the damage of the exploits it’s dead in the water for a good while.

FFXIV like I said has a dedicated fanbase that loves the game to death. It will shed a lot of the bandwagoners over time but that won’t matter because the people who have been around will still play unless they do something monumentally stupid. It’s had too much organic growth over the last 7 or so years to just die. The same case with WoW where it has enough of a dedicated fanbase the game can be in the state it is, mocked endlessly everywhere over Shadowlands and BFA being complete flops but still have players confident it will get better.

If WoW had the New World hype and Shadowlands was released as a completely new MMO it’d have been dead. Longevity staves off a lot of decline or gives you a good safety net. A completely fresh game that had the issues of Shadowlands would have shut down already.

Fortnite is the future. At least until the next thing takes over. MMOs could be in the cycle, but probably not right now

final fantasy XIV, world of Warcraft, new world, elder scrolls online, fallout 76 and a bunch of others make me think there are lots of people playing.

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No, there’s a difference between watching someone play a game and actually playing it. Those people watching GTA online probably don’t play it themselves often, doesn’t mean GTA online is dead either thought…just MMOs can’t be speedrunned so they have even less viewership vs other games like GTA 5 that can be speedrunned.


Its just has no streaming pizzazz really.

And may not sell as well to lesser skilled people. Let me explain the elitism.

Fortnight took off like a rocket. I can’t watch these for more than a few minutes at time if I doin ye old sit down with my son to chill, see what he is watching and well chill.

I deem this a lesser skilled game. vice…CS series. where I can watch with amazement as pro’s bounce off smoke and flash bangs off walls for perfect placement like master billiards player playing pool.

How the … did they do that?

I can watch some CS as it needs skill. Fort night less so. As i see it. And, ofc…my son can’t stand a cs stream beyond a minute.

Dad they aren’t jumping around! Noobs.

No son…real game tournament servers turn off bunny hop. Its considered cheap and trashy…

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Not only are they dying but they just don’t hold the attention of younger people. I am in my mid twenties and I’ve always loved mmorpgs but my younger brothers and their friends prefer fortnite, NBA2k, GTA, and will dabble with LOL. Something about questing and gear progression. Mmos are like little personal projects in a virtual world that you grow and work on. Younger generation just wants to log on and play.

I personally think this is true.

MMORGPs are now for older folks.

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