Are hobgoblins slaves?

The goblin’s have a mutated version of goblins called hobgoblins they are used as portable banker racial. Are these people slaves? or are they paid and can leave goblin employment at any time? You don’t really see them away from “Regular” goblins.

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The one for the goblin racial specifically is your friend.

As far as them being slaves, I don’t think so (no more than anyone else in goblin “employ”, at least). They’re just there to fill the generic big dumb goon slot.

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For purposes of averting yet ANOTHER moral panic from people too bored to actually play the game, let’s say they’re all paid professionals who choose to be there of their own free will.



What is with the Sunday troll threads on Monday?


Remove hobgoblins or face the wrath of 3 upset players reeeee!


Nothing in your link says they aren’t slaves.

It’s not a troll. I was just thinking about Juneteenth and it made me think about how the hobgoblins seem like slaves.

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Nothing in my link says they are. They’re bodyguards and friends.

Yeah. It is.

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A body guard can be a slave.

Is there any proof they get paid?

Just because you dislike a topic doesn’t make it a troll.

They’re paid bodyguards, the goblin intro shows this


That’s good. I still feel bad for them as they’ve been experimented on.

You should start a gofundme

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I have zero feelings towards it. It’s simply a topic to trigger people. You already saw what the Juneteenth thread devolved into.

Mal answered your question. So we’re done here.


That’s, ah, quite a thought process you have there.

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They’re slaves! Blizzard promotes trafficking! You guys come on really? Those big dudes all seem quite content to the work they do. I don’t think there’s really anything in goblin culture that would diminish them. Goblins don’t really have a caste or class system. Their system is wealth. Much like our own country. If you have it you’re seen if you don’t you’re not. Your appearance isn’t relevant.

A goblin’s personal banker is his friend, who is a Mook.

They’re pixels.

I think that’s the whole idea behind the sudden “Juneteenth holiday”.