Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

I have nothing to be aggressive or passive aggressive about. I literally could not care less about this entire subject because GD’s Thalassian Civil War has ruined me on every side of the equation. I’ve grown to hate the concept of playable Alliance high elves whilst growing to also loathe the general blood elf forum poster.

If you want passive aggressive, I can provide. Look at my post history; it’s public.

Blue eyed elves will become playable in 10k years in game time. Which is actually slower than IRL so… probably like 15k-20k years.

Hang in there, blue eye fans.

Whether or not you justify how passive you were being in your passive-aggressiveness, you still chose to basically tell someone to get out, as if you owned internet space.

I honestly don’t understand why you’re so insistent on trying to provoke a fight with me. Do you want something legitimate for which to report me, or are you just usually like this?

Now you’re playing victim, when you told me to get out of the thread in the first place. It doesn’t matter how nicely you insult someone, when it’s still a glaring insult.

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Okay. I’ll bite.

Get lost. There’s a megathread. Post in it.


Happy now?

I’m not going to, because you don’t own me?

Interrupting an old married couple fighting.


Neat. Glad we had this chat that you were so insistent on having. Can we go back to our lives now?

You actually started this conversation, you replied to my post. Why are you acting any different?

and now I’m ending it.

doing cartwheels back and forth

Yeah, on your terms, with fingers in your ears. Why should I expect anything else from someone looking to silence someone?

Leave him Dreta, it’s hopeless to argue with him.

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Irony detected. Initiating forum shutdown procedure. Beep. Beep boop.

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You obviously have zero idea what a Tolkien Elf looks like then. I’ll give you a hint it’s not the super model looking ones from the films those are Hollywood Elves. He signed off on the artwork from the 70s animated work as an accurate portrayal off the Elves in his works, and they look more like the Goblins in WoW than the Tolkien Elves.

Both of these posts are me claiming that I am being attempted to troll into submission. This is true.

Yeah, it is, because no matter how many people mob me, and claim that i’m trolling as a weapon to silence me, I will always highlight the truth unphased. When someone comes up with lore reasons why high elves should be in the game instead of labeling me as someone to be oppressed, then you can pretend to have the righteous ground of an argument.

But for now, yes, go with destroying people’s reputation so you get an inch of an argument further. The ends justify the means, those high elves are definitely worth acting like an animal.

However, I’m not holding out much hope that an apology is in the works from any of you, so just band together and tell eachother you’re right instead. It will make you feel better.

So please, respond to this and tell me this post is trolling.

Having read the Silmarillion and dissecting the descriptions of the Sindarin and Noldor and all the other elf derivatives Tolkien describes… yeah, he may have signed off on that art as “accurate” but by Iluvatar that’s not what his writing indicates.

That’s a Silvan elf, not a High Elf.

<— Stone elf.