Are Heirlooms Really Worth the Cost?

Hello, I recently got back into WoW and decided to buy the Complete Collection. I rolled an Orc Warrior and have leveled him to 40 in a week or so (busy, so not playing much).

Coming back, there are a LOT more levels and zones than in BC/Wrath and the overall leveling process feels much more tedious.

Naturally, I looked up a few guides to see if I was missing something. Sadly though, every leveling guide I looked at said the same thing: “BUY HEIRLOOMS”.

My problem is: My character is very poor (he only has a few hundred golds). I could probably buy one or two heirlooms, but I wouldn’t be able to afford the level upgrades for the heirlooms, or my flight licenses.

All of the flying licenses are thousands upon thousands of gold, and I really feel those are of greater importance than gear that will only last me 20 levels.

Should I farm and try to earn the thousands of gold needed to buy a full set of upgraded heirlooms, or should I save my gold for flight licenses and not bother with the gear?

Also if you have general leveling tips you want to share, leave them below, I would appreciate that a lot! Thank you!

The higher level you get, the easier it is to make gold. That means that it’s going to be more efficient to just keep leveling vs. stopping to farm for gold. At lower levels, you’ll spend more time farming the gold for heirlooms than you would just continuing to level without them.

When the Darmkoon Faire is up again (it starts the first Sunday of the month and runs for a week) it has several ways to earn Darkmoon Prize tickets (that can be done by low levels) that can be used to buy some of the heirloom pieces and upgrades. For someone without a high level character with lots of gold (or someone who wants to spend real money on a wow token) it’s the best way to pick up an heirloom or two.

More levels and zones have been added over time, but the amount of EXP needed to reach the level cap has also been reduced. Getting to 120 instead of 60 might appear daunting, but you’ll get twice as far in much less time than it took before Cata.

If you play several alts and want to level them quickly, heirlooms are worth the investment. If you don’t, they’re just something to spend gold on when gold becomes that easy to obtain.

You only need to train Expert, and are more likely to have in the neighborhood of ~250 gold by 60 than you did by 70 back in the day. Artisan and Master levels are only speed increases to get when you can afford them, they don’t grant extra flight anywhere (and Master’s so hard to notice that it’s best saved for when ~4k gold is pocket change). Wearing the Org/SW tabard while running dungeons helps, the higher your rep with them gets, the lower the cost of training will be.

Expert lets you use flying mounts in Kalimdor and EK, Outland, Northrend, and Pandaria, so you’ll be set up to 90. Flight in Draenor, the Broken Isles, and Zandalar & Kul Tiras is unlocked for your whole account by separate Pathfinder exploration meta achievements rather than buying it per character.

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If you are buying them for yourself / your first / only character, NO, they are not worth it.

If you have a capped character, with gold to spare and plan on leveling some alts, they are worth it.

I have one character for each class, working on my last 3 to 120. They save me tons of time, money, and hassle.

  1. 50% xp boost basically.
  2. They level with you, so I sell / disenchant all that extra gear.
  3. They have no durability. I do not have to worry about gear breaking in the middle of nowhere. I do not have to pay to repair the loom gear.
  4. Since they scale in level and do not need to be replaced until the end, only really need to transmog one thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Spend your money on flying. Flying will speed up traveling which in turn speeds up everything else…including gaining gold.

Getting bigger bags also increases leveling speed a bit because you do not need to keep returning to a vendor, bank, or AH as often.