Are healing priests unwanted in M+ dungeons?

I’m 241 ilvl Keystone Master and I get declined from tons of groups. The only thing I can think of is people are holding out for holy paladins since they dominate 90% of the M+ leaderboards. Am I handicapping myself by playing a bad class?

That doesn’t seem likely, although it wouldn’t hurt to tell us what you’re applying for and I’m too lazy to look up your rating right now.

I’ve had afew groups in 15s where the strategy is basically to pull every single monster around and the dps will aoe them down.

The problem is aggro for the tank if the mobs aren’t all stacked and they will go right for the healer. So, ideally, the healer would be able to pop bubble and heal.

Depending on the size of the group (which can be pretty big, think whole room upstairs in necrotic wake big) it’ll save the group 5 mins.

Thats pretty big deal and you can only do that with a holy paladin.

Theres some other things you can do, but priest is definitely not part of the elite club. Haute club yes, elite club no.

I’ve played with plenty of priests. Post on your main so we can see your run history. That will tell us more than just your ilvl.

A good priest can heal any high level content there is.

It just doesn’t have any gimmicks that make them a #1 choice in 5 player content.

I mean PI is like an extra 2k dps if used properly.


Yeah I have nothing. Lol.

I pug the majority of my +15 keys as a venth holy paladin and still don’t get accepted to many keys. Probably because they are either looking for lust, instant brez, non-venth cov buff, higher io player, many competitive applicants ahead of me, etc etc.

I think priests are doing fine right now…I have one on my f list that is doing better than i am this week actually, so I think they’re a great choice! (not sure about their dps though)

I’m also not sure about other weeks, but they seem to be fine with affixes like bolstering imo

Yes you are penalized. The system is built to allow such inequalities.

The words “balancing” and “class tuning” are arrogantly used to hypnotize you.

M÷ should also be on random LFG with bonus loot for the Braves going blind.

But the brainwashed zombie community never look at the problems straight in the eyes.

Like bellular said, you keep eating the lettuce around the big dick on the salad.

All 9.0 game time was looking at groups being built around lust. So I played with fire mages mm hunters and resto shamans in same groups. That’s all I remember playing with. Entering a group as a shaman, playing along mm and fmage.

That cabal is drawing a line in the shape of an eternal spiral and jerk off watching humans walking it on their four

Except the OP isn’t being penalized for his class so your rant is completely useless. There are 5 healing classes: preist, druid, shaman, paladin, and monk. Currently priests make up 21% of all +15 and up keys. I’d say that is a good representation for his class. Monk on the other hand is still very under represented.

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Priest is very strong currently. Also has 2 great ways to play it. Kyrian disc with leggo. And the Fae one (either spec. ). As a bear I think Fae priest is under valued. Ability to reduce my incarn up to a minute? Op ASF. Done few high keys with Fae priests really great. Just lack damage.

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Priests are capable healers, but they don’t bring battle res or lust, and they’re squishier than other healer options. Holy Priests also contribute virtually no personal DPS in my experience, and since PI makes someone else look good on the meters, your average PUG is probably not giving you credit for everything you bring to the table.

On the plus side, being able to remove diseases is huge in a couple dungeons, and Mass Dispell is basically cheating in a few niche scenarios.

I ran with a holy priest that did 3k overall in a spires. I also ran with a resto druid that couldn’t be bothered to spend a single global on sunfire.

Hpriests don’t have a monopoly on useless healer players.

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You can bring a healing machine Holy Paladin that also does damage, a Resto shaman that is a healing machine that also brings Lust, or a resto druid with a Bres. You’re asking the group to already have Bloodlust/Battle Res to take a healing priest.

You can blame Blizzard for making M+ class and spec comps so restricted by nerfing Drums into the ground. I mean, they don’t actually care about M+ in that sense, since it’s been like a year of dealing with it.

They don’t consider m+ it’s own thing. It’s “pve”. Supplemental to raiding at best. At worst, a side activity.