Are Guilds Toxic like <Horizon> on ED?

Players like Glizzy, Vanamyr and Zayanas, are toxic, is this a normal thing for ED ?

Yes. It’s rare to find anyone here who isn’t toxic. I’m one of the few exceptions. I’m kind, friendly, and always bring out the best in people. Everyone loves me.


Why are you saying those names like we should know who they are?


Caelestrasz is so small they probably do know everyone on that realm.

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True story :joy:

I was on Cael (Oceania) back in the day being from Oz before moving to the US. We had our fair share of toxic players…Aussies can be a brutal bunch! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is it true that all Aussies play Vulpera?

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toxic af. They called me the gamer word

Imagine being so fragile that you post on your alt character and provide 0 context.

Ok lvl 45 tauren alt.

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This is slander! Btw if anyone wants to come to push some mythic raiding and high m+ come to ED and shoot us a message @Horizon. This guy’s guild name is “Just Casual”. Cmon boys.