Are Gladiator Mounts Account-Wide?

Continuing the discussion from Collecting, the unreachable goal:

An argument was made on the CC forums that implied Gladiator mounts are limited to the class that earned them. Is this accurate? I will never have a Gladiator mount so I’m not terribly concerned, but wanted to confirm for just for my own knowledge. Thanks!

Yeah…since like 3 years ago, I saw the comment from CC member which doesn’t provide any value because you not longer know if that was achieved on X/Y class.

Also, this didn’t required a thread, it’s an easy google search.

I confess I forgot about this change - although the point of the season being more difficult could still be true.

Ok awesome. Thank you for the answer.

Eh, the CC member will now know they’re account-wide though :slight_smile:

It’s true and there’s pvp players that just change to the flavor of the month to achieve that kind of goal, since now its account wide.

Yeah I mean the doubt, you could do the same doing a search first haha :man_shrugging: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Hey there! Do you share the same opinion on Elite transmog appearances too? Dragonflight has been a huge slog with rating and even getting to 1800+ is harder now than other seasons. I’m just curious on your opinion :slight_smile:

I think those sets are obviously less prestigious than the mounts, but I’m not sure what a good way to go about earning old sets would be.

You earn the set for the season you play, but how would you earn another? Random drop like the vicious saddles were after you earned the season vicious mount? TBH I’m not sure. I definitely don’t think you should be able to get an old season set without earning the current season set.

I think Vicious Saddles currently work the way you suggest. At least in Shadowlands, you had to earn the seasonal mount first before you can start working on progression towards a Vicious Saddle, which is awarded in a fill-the-bar manner like the seasonal mount is.

Perhaps a similar “fill-the-bar” progression, only counting wins at 1800+, towards a Vicious-labeled item that can be exchanged for a set?

Yeah you had guaranteed vicious saddles at the end of the bar, but you could also get random drops after rated matches.

I’m torn on the sets. On one hand I stick to what i’ve said before that time-gated cosmetics are perfectly fine - but on the other hand i REALLY want the elite primal DK set from WoD lmao

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Ask for a recolour of it

I mean most of the old elite sets were 2k and 2.2k not 1800.

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Change the reward from a mog piece to a token

You can take thet token and buy any armor mog from past and current season

Only one token per class per season for each slot. So want more mogs play more classes

Hur dur i earned it when it was current. Pffft irrelevant. Having options of what to buy now makes past stiff stay relevant and helps new players acquire stuff they want. While still needing effort

I’ve always been of the opinion that Elite sets should be generic like the saddles, allowing the player to choose which set they want. There really is no point to lock the sets behind a fixed point in time, but have the mounts be a ticket to a greater selection of options. At the end of the day, it’s all just a reward for doing well in PvP.

That said, the Dread Gladiator Elite Plate (BfA), Ruthless Gladiator Elite Warrior (Cata) and Primal Gladiator Elite Warrior (WoD) sets are 100% on my wishlist. The more recent elite sets have mostly been a pass for me, but I totally would’ve participated in PvP if I instead got a saddle-type item to then pick a reward more preferential.

Spot on. I don’t see players wearnig older Elite sets and immediately associate some sort of false prestige with it. All I think of is “Ah, they PvP’d back then. Cool I guess.”

There are already several recolours of all these sets, minus the WoD ones, which people keep asking for recolours for.

Hur dur I need it because iz pixelz.
Same mindset but far more entitled.

Its a game man. Does anyone even notice what other ppl have anymore?

Its far healthier for new players to get access to things then look something cool up and go oh its no longer available. It also gives returning players who missed a season a way to get the mog.

If you still have to get 1800 in a season for the tokens, the work still has to be put in.

Having half a pvp set cause life comes up forever is bad design imo

But to each their own.

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