Are Feral Druids bad for pvp?

Druid has a high skill gap and very hard to understand the proper use of tools hence why not many around. Most people rather mash one button war/mage then bother with the complexity of a druid.

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You don’t necessarily SEE druids because we have a set role in every BG. We are the flagrunners in Warsong, the scouters and sitters in Arathi, and the LT team in Alterac. If we’re with the main group it means there must be two feral druids and that’s atypical.

If you mean world, ferals would not likely engage a rogue because it puts themselves at high risk.

? If you can get them out of stealth with a faerie fire, 99% of all rogues who don’t walk around with restoration potions can just be kited to death.

Ferals don’t have a big enough mana pool. Even with my PVP gear on, it would take my entire mana bar to kill a rogue or warrior from ranged, and if I have to heal or shift b/c they get loose, it’s typically not worth engaging in a long kite just to ultimately die in two globals when roots breaks unexpectedly or they trinket.

Even if they cannot stealth, vanish will still break roots, sprint will break roots (if the rogue has the talent), blind has a decent enough range they could buy time to catch up, grenades will close the distance if they’re eng, the list goes on. And that’s not even considering the tiny mana pool that ferals have. You’d run out of mana so fast trying to kite anyone 100-0. Even rogues.

You just don’t kite as a feral. All you can really do is outlast or escape. And that is why they are outstanding flag runners. They just persist.

They are kinda weak tbh. Resto is actually the strongest pvp spec.

Very useful in AB where a druid can basically solo spin a node

It requires a pretty high level of skill/play and Druids have poo for burst so every kill generally takes a great deal of time compared to other PvP classes like your Mages, Rogues, and Warriors. You have to use almost your entire kit to win and basically you have to play at a far higher level than other classes do to secure kills.

Additionally, to garner the best effect Druids that are looking to score kills in solo PvP generally need to run an absolutely ridiculous build that combines Resto, Feral, and Balance.

I recommend checking out some of the Vanilla Druid PvP videos by Sp0h. The following video is the one I remember watching. As an added bonus, the editing is pretty darn good.

Feral? Are you sure about that? lol

Oh thought we were talking about druids in general lul rip

Maybe it’s just because I’m not above level 50 yet on my druid with a strength/spirit set, but I’m able to take down even targets over 3000 hp from range. Maybe it’s simply my higher spirit? That’s including all the shifting I do. Of course, I am only 100% involved in moonfire kiting and don’t deal with players that use engineering yet.

Thank you for good stuff guys. Appreciate all

Why in the world would you kill a warrior or rogue from ranged?

Also natural shapeshifter, also the 30 seconds of free shifting trinket, also mana pots.

If you severely outgear them maybe. Any remote level of gear parity they’ll turn you into swiss cheese if you go toe to toe. Bear form you can soak a bunch of damage, enough to outlast evasion or potentially an entire FAP, but you put out considerably less. Cat form you still do much less damage than them and a warrior might 2 shot you or you’ll die in a kidney.

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Just because not many players play feral doesn’t mean feral is bad. Most good pvp feral’s play hybrid however there are a rare few out there who are strictly dps pvp
 I will be releasing a pvp video later this year during phase 5 showing what a dps feral is capable off
 Here’s a small taste of what a feral can do in blues. This is nothing that insane however I will do this to someone in most BGS I go into. If I see anyone in mail gear and down I get a little twinkle in my eye and I will try to global them. Most players don’t even release from their body’s while they check what hit them LOL.


While I appreciate you trying to push feral, that video is absolutely not representative of the class.

You had bersi buff and 100% crit ravage as the target was sitting. A good shaman is capable of killing you in 2 sec without all the advantages you ran.

Feral is a a fine spec. Its fun. Like druid is fun. Its arguably the most fun class in the game because you are constantly doing something. Shifting out of cc, running away, bursting down people (as much as the class allows it)

But for all the classes nifty gimmicks you also lack stuff: No slow, no MS, no interrupt or silence. Roots is a great cc but can be countered by being indoors.
Its a great class but it really is a jack of all trades and master of none and your odds vs a lot of purer classes is pretty bad if these people are good.

I mean you posted the video
 Go make a rogue and do the same. Ofc the class shines.

It was just an example, the point is we have insane burst if played correctly and I know this because I have already played a high end geared feral past phase 6. Doing 100% of someones hp with R5 FB is no joke.

1v1 is irrelevant for Classic pvp. Druids do have plenty of uses, as harassers, healers and flag carriers.

no it has nothing to do with being played correctly. Feral needs to be played correctly but actual burst is sheer crit luck. If ravage does not crit and you do not have the gear to powershift in pvp (which is always risky btw) feral “burst” is either easily countered (no ms, no interrupt besides feral charge which is always delayed so the interrupt is usually batched out and talented on top) or lacks due to lack of crits.

As said its a great class but please do not pretend it is anything akin to a rogue or war or mage when they get crits or burst