I may or may not have listed a level 25 Tuskarr Kite approximately a month ago, and I may or may not have just resubbed and realized it was missing from all characters, and the collection tab.
Mistakes happen boys. We forget things. Tuskarr Kites aren’t cheap though. Surely someone out there has made a bigger mistake and everything was resolved in their favor, yes?
That kite means everything to me. My son died making that kite!
Expired AH mail is gone for good. You have somewhere between 2 hours and 18 hours for a GM to restore it – and the wait time is well over that at present.
Your kite is gone.
Well goddammit this sucks
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I left mine to distract a Devilsaur so I could get away, wonder what happened to him.
I don’t know what’s worse, remembering or not remembering. I wonder how much we’ve all lost over the years because of this. 
Nothing of significance, generally, but still… makes you wonder!
I mean I have an “essential” job right now and nobody I care about has actually died lately…in a world where lots of people are losing lots of money and loved ones.
Guess I can’t complain over losing a pixel kite out of laziness…and antiquated game design. Sad thing is I’ll probably still treat the mailbox as a bank against all rationale.
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No. I have had my mail restored twice already because I’ve been gone on long trips. Open a ticket, and request for them to restore some mail. I’ve petitioned twice, and were successful both times.
Good luck to you!
Nice name reference, and I hope so lol. I read that with AH mail it’s insanely gone since no other sender to return to.
Was your experience to do with the AH lol?
Yeah, same… “I couldn’t possibly fail to get this within a month” lol
I am sorry you lost your kite though, honestly, I did not mean to trivialize that. (And honestly, it may be worth putting in a ticket - maybe they can easily trace it and they may take pity on you!)
Haha oh it’s good. I’m more concerned with watching another TCG item disappear from existence due to me getting bored with the current patch and forgetting to check my auctions before quitting. Sorry lol…I hate accepting all blame. Had 8.3 just been fun…
Well while I’m thinking about it, it’s kite spirit will just sail to the BMAH heavens and pop up on a random dead server one day. I guess no harm done.
Thank you for the compliment.
Auction House mail can be restored, presented that it has not been sold. I have had expired auctions restored to my inbox, twice already. I have also had items lost in the mail, restored to my inbox as well.
Just be courteous and detailed when sending in the ticket. GMs are people too, and all the ones I’ve worked with have been nothing but pleasant.
Good luck man!
EDIT: The last time was about a month ago.
Within a certain timeframe. Never more than 24 hours after deletion though, because that mail data will have been purged by then. This is why I said this:
I am sorry, but that was not my experience. My expired auction house items were left in the mail box, well past that time frame. I would say, probably close to two weeks, possibly three. They were still able to restore them.
Maybe they changed their policy, but this was just done close to a month ago for me by a nice GM.
Okay you’re awesome. I have hope now. Worst case scenario, I have another opportunity to learn a lesson and grow from it.
I did make sure to mention I may have listed it on any of my 12 max toons and let it expire. The GM’s are always super awesome. I just never know what’s within the realms of possibility.
Nothing to do with policy. It’s a mechanical limitation. The data is purged within a very short time.
There are a couple of ways around that, for example if the game’s logs (which tend to last 30-45 days-ish) showed the items being placed on the AH, the auctions expiring, and the items never having been retrieved.
However, that’s a boatload of work for a support rep to do, well beyond the norm of seeing if the deleted mail still exists in a character’s mailbox. If the items in question were particularly rare or high-value, I could see them going that far, but beyond that, not really.
It does mention when making a ticket that they recently fixed an issue with AH mail items. What that actually details or how old it is, I have no idea.
Maybe it stays in the system longer now and that’s why people have had different experiences.
The only reason I made a thread is I was getting conflicting answers when looking up this specific issue. Obviously I hope for the best case scenario.
There was an issue for several days where purchasing an item on the AH didn’t always result in it being delivered. That’s the issue in question.