Are Delves Just For Trinkets?

I think you hit the nail on how I look at delves.

I am getting 62 gilded every two weeks, so one high high crafted piece.

If I get anything else on the way like a wrist or trinket that I can use it’s bonus.

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Last week I got 3 cloaks and a trinket doing my weeklies. All of which I have filled.

This week I got: a weapon, trinket, gloves (I think), and bracers (I think). Still have 1 more delve to go for the weekly.

So for me trinkets and cloaks are the most common.

I’m not mad about it persay because trinkets are usually harder to replace, so filling that quick is nice. But otherwise I wish I saw more drop to replace S1 stuff.

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Not true… Amorphous is awesome if used correctly.

Amorphous activates every time you enter combat… EVERYTIME… there’s no internal CD.

Its up for 30 seconds before it turns off for another 30 seconds if you’re stuck in combat.


If you’re in a bunch of short fights under 30 seconds then leave combat, it will immediately turn back on when you re-enter combat for another 30 seconds (even if you just ended combat 2 seconds ago).

This is perfect for… oh… Delves and Dungeons where almost all trash mob fights can be cleared in under 30 seconds, as long as you get out of combat between pulls this trinket is essentially up 24/7.

Just don’t use this trinket for long Boss fights… it is garbage for that.

Amorphous got nerfed.

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You didn’t try to get the gloves catalyzed into a tier?

Umm… WHAT?

Its still better since we get two trinks and only one bracer.

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Care to explain or provide a link… it literally just got buffed a week ago.

I have not seen a single leg piece drop from delves on my druid. I’ve gotten a LOT of trinkets, the shoulders several times, the gloves more than once, and the cloak more than once.

Never legs.

Guess what slot I’m still carrying around Veteran gear with bad stats on? No legs in my vault (which was full) and no legs in my delves.

Never gonna get any trousers from the loot machine.

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I just used a map and got the same weapon I already had on my hunter, so there’s that…

Can’t wait for next week, get my crafted neck with Crit + Haste. Dunno if I’ll do two rings in the weeks to come since Cyrce supposed to be good for the rest of the season.

Don’t feel bad, I got a head gear in vault I converted into a tier. Used a map, got a hero head out of when I was hoping for a chest or leg…


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I have a pair of higher item level gloves banked for this purpose.

Ah… Gotcha.

I still disagree let’s look at ilvl 649 best case scenario the amorphous gives 7537 Strength half the time compared to Funhouse that gives 3959 Stength all of the time PLUS has an on use stat boost trinket I can use when I want.

Now I get it half the strength, half the uptime but only using it in shorts fights sounds awesome. But half of the time it procs the Amorphous will give 8k haste so it isn’t even guaranteed to give you those big doses of Strength.

And like I said even though the Funhouse is half the Strength it is always up, always active and has an extra on use to further sync with cooldowns. It isn’t even close to being good if you ask me about Amorphous

I don’t have the trinket, don’t know how it works, but I was told this was a nerf:

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Idk, is that a nerf? Seems like they’re making it have more usage in combat instead being useless after 30 seconds.

Like I said, I don’t have it or understand it. It’s just what I was told after a guildie simmed it after the change. He had it as Hero track before and after. :dracthyr_shrug:

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It used to proc every time you entered combat, so in a string of short pulls it’d have near 100% uptime.

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I’ve gotten more core pieces this season than trinkets. That said at least this round the trinkets are actually legit – many filling top 4 spots for many specs… Though I guess that speaks more volume to the low quality of the raid/mythic ones…

they are for starter or filler trinkets. at least for tanks, there is very little outside of stat sticks.

as far as I see, there is only one decent trinket (actually a raid trinket) with a chance to drop from delves.

tanks got spoiled with trinkets in DF. dungeon trinkets were excellent. delve trinkets seem to be stat sticks with a ~1% damage/sustain boost.

I had two main hands and an off-hand in my vault. I have a crafted staff.

My raid slots weren’t much better, so I haven’t actually picked anything yet, I’ll choose later in the week after I’ve seen what other drops I may acquire first.

*I usually do this most weeks though unless something is too good to pass up.

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